Mage Specs


Hey guys Starup here. I just started a mage on aerie peak horde. Im finding lvling fast and all but im not positive on what is the use of each spec. Traditionally fire is for pve/dungeons, Frost is for pvp, and Arcane was the midlle spec. Now these days it doesnt seem like that anymore, with arcane apparently doing alot of burst dmg. So im asking peoples opnions on the uses of each spec, and what brings the most to a premade.
Frost. Arcane. All just personal preference. Both are viable.
Frost spec is best used when your team have paladins and warriors.

How's it work? You froze them and warrios come from behind and paladins too.
I review each spec in the [post=301989]guide in my sig[/post].

I don't have problems playing any of the specs, but frost gives more tools.

As for arcane I will only say one more thing:

I don't play arcane for the same reason I don't play hunters.
I prefer frost, but arcane is viable also.
Imo arcane is more fun but both are good pvp spec, fire is useless at 20
Deadvulcano is dead-on.

In my own experience, Fire is pretty much the same as with Warriors, it's a bit situational. You can be very effective as ranged FC stopper/killer in PUG's, and ofc being seen as harmless helps.
My main concern is if frost is viable in comparison to arcane due to how often shatter crits proc. Im not sure if we can acheive the necessary crit to have it occur regulary. If not it would make sense to go arcane in all situations.
My main concern is if frost is viable in comparison to arcane due to how often shatter crits proc. Im not sure if we can acheive the necessary crit to have it occur regulary. If not it would make sense to go arcane in all situations.

I'll rephrase this so I can work with it:

IF X does not do as much damage as Y, then Y should always be used.

BECAUSE X can only do more damage with Z it isn't "viable".

Answer 1:
Lets assume frost doesn't do as much damage. So what? Now frost isn't viable?​
  • Frost still has instant CoC AoE root, which immediately removes melee from fc/healer/self/other
  • Frost still has ranged AoE root which immediately removes melee from fc/healer/self/other
  • Ranged AoE root can be cast while silenced/sapped/interrupted, may require good pet control vs prot pally
  • Ranged AoE root can be cast 100+yds away with good pet control, you can keep an approaching hunter/x from even joining the fight till its too late
The big thing that ppl miss with the root is that is saves time and mana. It allows: the team to put more dps on target; healers free globals to dps, cast slow heals, or to move; a way to stop enemies from making a flag pass; dps time to bandage or get healed.​

Answer 2:
Lets assume frost does as much or more damage. So what? Now arcane isn't viable?​
  • Arcane still has a blanket silence which can stop any enemy instant casts or get the opening shots on another caster
  • Arcane can still do a large portion of their damage while moving
Movement is incredibly important in a los environment. This allows you to: make up for mistakes in reading opponents; close the gap on runners while damaging them; hover inside hunter melee zone (till MoP at least); move from behind los and get a "free" hit in; position yourself for a nova.​

Answer 3:
Lets assume all the specs do about the same amount of damage. So what? Now fire isn't viable?​
  • Fire still has impact, which allows kills on targets that are otherwise very difficult to kill
  • Fire is the only spec that gives a secondary interrupt with impact
  • Fire is the only spec that can apply a dot to keep rogues from maintaining stealth
  • Fire is the only spec that can apply a ranged aoe dot with pyro+impact
Pyro + impact is the most unique combo in this bracket. If you keep a pyro rolling for impact procs you can ensure that any stealth in the area will be forced out of stealth. You can save impact for key moments on secondary/tertiary healers or for times when you need to stop a flag pass.​


If you can't read opponents you "should" be playing arcane. How will you know this? If you start a cast and it doesn't land because of los or out of range, you are doing it wrong and "shouldn't" be playing fire/frost.
yesterday i specced frost for a few games so i could remember how inferior it was (actually i thought it might be fun). unfortunately, it was, in fact, just as inferior as it has always been, and i was unable to do much of anything since every single eyepatcher on the other team focused me at all times, and you can't cast any spells when you can't stand still!

then i respecced arcane:


back to normal
hey guys and girls, cotus here


just wanted to stop by real quick and let you know that arcane is not the best spec for mages at 20

have a good day
Quick, post screen shots of yourself doing damage with a dedicated healer and pretend it makes a point:


yeah man, because a level 20 frost mage would do over twice as much damage than every single other player (other than a 24 hunter) in a battleground against a team with 9 (nine) hunters

definitely not making a legitimate point

you caught me
Cotus... I either have to assume you are ignorant or just trolling.

Do you seriously not know the damage distribution in an AB match. Do you not understand how a small group that holds off a few the whole match can do more damage then groups that defend bases that are rarely attacked?

Its not a target dummy, its an actual match. Of course... I probably just over estimated you. How can you pretend that screen shots mean anything?
Cotus... I either have to assume you are ignorant or just trolling.

Do you seriously not know the damage distribution in an AB match. Do you not understand how a small group that holds off a few the whole match can do more damage then groups that defend bases that are rarely attacked?

Its not a target dummy, its an actual match. Of course... I probably just over estimated you. How can you pretend that screen shots mean anything?

epeen flex bra
Cotus... I either have to assume you are ignorant or just trolling.

Do you seriously not know the damage distribution in an AB match. Do you not understand how a small group that holds off a few the whole match can do more damage then groups that defend bases that are rarely attacked?

Its not a target dummy, its an actual match. Of course... I probably just over estimated you. How can you pretend that screen shots mean anything?

why would someone not think that screenshots mean something....? the screenshots i provide are actual data that come from actual games that have actually been played. i don't need some retarded, incorrectly derived theorycraft to convince people that i'm right. all i need to do is show them real facts and real results that come from real games

when someone else can come up with actual data from actual games that indicates something other than 20 arcane mages doing completely absurd amounts of damage, even against hunters, and frost mages able to cast frostbolt against 9 hunters and do anywhere remotely comparable to those levels of damage, i'll start to take their argument(s) seriously

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