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theres cancer on both sides, theres less ravencrest premades than stormscale/dreanor premades which is why horde wins majority of games

ye and hitler was a nice guy besides killing millions of jews and starting a war? lol, we both now with how many ferals mag usually queues so please

u seem to think im defending mag when they q with ferals but im not, if mag loses while qing with ferals it shows how strong horde teams are
u seem to think im defending mag when they q with ferals but im not, if mag loses while qing with ferals it shows how strong horde teams are

or simply how bad mag is, happened more than once that our horde fc could cap while 2-3 mag ferals farmed our gy
I agree that there are respectable players on mag / tn which can result in great games, but I feel as though this is attributed to the player's good individual gameplay. Whenever these people group que, the games are just one sided. If everyone just solo queued we would have many more enjoyable games.

u know that wont ever happen, this bracket is not meant to be competitive and grp qing is just a way to have an advantage over other players or to match up to them. just like enchants
Check their gear you tard they have 3 naked players without healers.
You're lost mate bye
I agree that there are respectable players on mag / tn which can result in great games, but I feel as though this is attributed to the player's good individual gameplay. Whenever these people group que, the games are just one sided. If everyone just solo queued we would have many more enjoyable games.
You realise that if any premade disbanded and solo qued 80% of the ppl queing would get in the same game. There's generally only 1 or two games going on at any time. If people are on they will be in them. I would much rather have a better chance at having a great, balanced game, premading allows this since those types of games only occur when the more skilled players are in them. Games with no premade on either side tend to only have 1-2 top level players if any, making for balanced but boring games. Group queing lets there be 4-6 top level players but at the cost of balance if the other team can't keep up. I generally solo que, but when there is a need and ppl i enjoy playing with, I'll join them. That's what happens most times on Tn recently.
Assume your that small lvl 21 sappah rogue who does nothing but try to hunt me in a bg and ends up getting moonfired and dies every time.

You mean how you chase me halfway through mid spamming moonfire rather than helping your team?
Assume your that small lvl 21 sappah rogue who does nothing but try to hunt me in a bg and ends up getting moonfired and dies every time.

no hate but you play a druid and eat every single sheep, you let ppl die to dps in catform and so on, you are trash and i thought you alrdy know , seems like you dont so let me speak for everyone in the bracket : you neither good nor funny, and i tell you this to save us all from more cringe posts
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no hate but you play a druid and eat every single sheep, you let ppl die to dps in catform and so on, you are trash and i thought you alrdy know , seems like you dont so let me speak for everyone in the bracket : you neither good nor funny, and i tell you this to save us all from more cringe posts


You mean how you chase me halfway through mid spamming moonfire rather than helping your team?

Yes, team has no priority when theres bads like you to chase around
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This post is directed at mag and TN, this game there wasn't any TN but don't act like they don't group queue as well.

I play mostly play vet, when I play my 29 BM its usually when alliance is premading

and they premade when horde has many p2ps. makes sense why comps end like this.

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