Hey guys, got some good hunter tips the other day so I decided to make a level 1 hunter and test out this madness. Was going to go with human but I found out you can go worgen.
The first video I followed to leave starting area was from 2015, high production value tutorial, and it must have been nerfed. So scratching my head and about to give up I scrolled for a newer vid and found one posted in January of 2016. Worked.
. Hurried up and got all my boas and whites chanted and was off to test it out. At first I solod a wolf from dust wood, seemed too easy as I could kill even the 2 extra I pulled from aggro radius. So since I needed to go down to gurubashi anyway, I figured I'd give some of the mobs down in STV a go. Raptors north of arena, cake. Panthers and basalisks near arena, pawns. Went down to "King Kong island". Died to panthers twice getting to him, he threw barrels but if I cobra show at max range and quickly run OOR he couldn't get cast off. Eventually got him was in the ocean almost.
I'm loving this toon, I really would like he hear other people's experience and advice for my level 1 hunter. Thank you
The first video I followed to leave starting area was from 2015, high production value tutorial, and it must have been nerfed. So scratching my head and about to give up I scrolled for a newer vid and found one posted in January of 2016. Worked.
I'm loving this toon, I really would like he hear other people's experience and advice for my level 1 hunter. Thank you