Lvl 19 BM hunter?

shadowburn #1
As a hunter who has played BM up to the latest patch I can say that it is extremely viable, especially when playing against healers because of the extra stun. Just because you wouldn't have ES doesn't mean you can't do some crazy burst. ES= 50 focus, AS= 25 focus, so, as BM I could fire 2 arcane shots and then KC while the target is pet stunned for only 90 focus. If you've actually played BM, you'd know that AS can often crit for 300+ because of the 25% more AP and the extra AP you get from the Aspect of the Hawk talent. So, thats 600+ dmg from the 2 AS and then 500+ from KC all while the target can't react, assuming everything crits. In fact, I'd argue that BM burst > Surv burst, you just gotta be smart and make sure your target is stunned or scatter dazed when using KC otherwise they might dodge or parry it. The only reason I went Survival is because it's now near impossible to beat a Survival hunter as BM now that ES got a 15% dmg buff. By all means, go BM, it's a really fun spec if you're bored of faceroll survival, just gotta play smart and keep your pet alive. (I used to use bandies on my pet all the time to keep it up lol)

TD;LR BM is more than viable, just be prepared to play with 1200 hp and get raped by survival hunters.
So as a 16 hunter you need hit cap bad I suggest you roll hit pots instead of hit gear boa gun over bow and ransoms belt over the fang one get dual agms for insignia on cd make a haste set for regen when you need it stack agi you have no survival anyway so just my two cents
So as a 16 hunter you need hit cap bad I suggest you roll hit pots instead of hit gear boa gun over bow and ransoms belt over the fang one get dual agms for insignia on cd make a haste set for regen when you need it stack agi you have no survival anyway so just my two cents

I simply can't afford running with hit pots 24/7 so I need the hit-gear. Oh and I haven't got fang-belt equiped, got Deviate-one - for the hit-rating. Atm I got like a full agi set and a full haste-set, but I dunno which one I should roll with :/

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