Lvl 19 BM hunter?

If you rly want to play a hunter, then yes.. go for a BM hunter.. deffo still viable, and you sound like a guy who won't just zerk the mid with some ES.

I love my HASTE BM hunter, and would not change it untill... idk.


Also mentions some reasons why I play BM compared to Surv or even MM.

Though.. I suggest you play an whole other class than a huntard ^^

Enjoy the game.
My English is bad but I think everyone will understand:

If you play hunter spec survi you are weak, if you think survival hunter spec is the best you are really very low.

Friends hunters, I'll tell you a terrible secret. We have a spell that is called "dismiss pet"

Your pet has 700HP, it is easy to kill, snare, scatter, fear, sheep.

My pet has 700HP, he gets killed 3-4 times a bg, no snare, no scatter, if fear / sheep 8sec I use "dismiss Pet" (2sec cast) and I resummoned

Against hunter, I dismiss pet / vanish explosifShot (-50foca) / snare / disengage for rush hunter in melee / scatter / invoke pet / stun / arcane shot / KC / raptor strike / arcane shot.

Against mage, I dismiss pet, I w8 nova (2nd nova vs mage frost ) and I Summoned pet.

Priest dici dont kill my pet

Vs all class, I use dismiss pet and my pet does not die.

So seriously, learn to play your hunter, and this is not because a guy has 200k+ HKs that it is the reference.

PS : BM is really nice for mid farm

all of your 1v1 strats sound really cute if the other person does nothing but stand there

fact is, you're losing out on a lot of both survivability and burst by going bm, nothing you said counters that

pets are to squishy at this lvl and without them your left spamming arcane shot, that all specs can do.

you'll kill me once then when i know your bm i'll just global your pet.

this is from an endgame hunter thats pvp'd has bm since tbc.

theorycraft them both with dead pets.
Dismiss pet is hard
I like bm I'm not the best but it seems to do well I used to never beat palas as survival they'd just heal heal heal and with bm I get two stuns and a silence since Im a belf so concusive kc arc wait for heal intimidation kc again when it's over arc a few then scater shot then arc then wingclip belf silence disengage arc and if they arnt dead they are a competent player but most arnt
its all in how you play just ran 4 games without a spec with my son and he still came out on top of hk kb and damage so its all face roll and his hunter was still in bc gear
all of your 1v1 strats sound really cute if the other person does nothing but stand there

fact is, you're losing out on a lot of both survivability and burst by going bm, nothing you said counters that

I understand your statement about burst. But if you could explain how BM has any less survivability than survival that'd be nice. If you mean they have less HP then yes I understand, but HP =/= Survivability. Bless us with your knowledge and wisdom O'MVP!
I understand your statement about burst. But if you could explain how BM has any less survivability than survival that'd be nice. If you mean they have less HP then yes I understand, but HP =/= Survivability. Bless us with your knowledge and wisdom O'MVP!

Hp does = survivability, more hp makes you survive longer in the same situation - not to mention, they also have 2sec off disengage

it would seem u r reduced to arguing semantics w/ me.. kinda pathetic ;[
It's not his job to chain CC a healer.
YES, a HUNTER CAN Chain CC a Heals, Espcially a Druid. it Is Possible...stupid hunters don't know how to Wing Clip anymore it's Important to CC dps/heals etc etc, it creates gaps' in the offense/defensive games. which creates heals to be slowed aswell as the fc.
YES, a HUNTER CAN Chain CC a Heals, Espcially a Druid. it Is Possible...stupid hunters don't know how to Wing Clip anymore it's Important to CC dps/heals etc etc, it creates gaps' in the offense/defensive games. which creates heals to be slowed aswell as the fc.

Chain CC as in stun/disorient/interupt heals.
bm > surv [imo] . i solo que most of the time , so i cant really count on 1k hp rogues or random mages haveing / useing focus marco's, which makes the pet stun good to have.

sure my pet dies from time to time, cant avoid that. but its also werry easy to dismiss it as well.

survival burst damage is superior no doubt, but not necessarily the most entertain able..

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