I was insta perma banned mid Wrath Timewalking dungeon today on my brand new Fury twink I made 3 days ago named Movingon-Wyrmrest Accord. Appeals were ignored and 13 years of my life on that game is now gone forever.
I'm sorry this happened to you (and everyone else affected).
Are there any channels via this website to get a personal review of this? I don’t use any macros, I was not grouped up with anyone, I did not talk in chat or abuse any other players. I was queuing solo in timewalkers to farm the Timereaver mount chance, purely. I queued in, completed the dungeon with whirlwind and dropped group every single time. No grouping, no monetary transactions, no boosting, nothing. Just me trying to get a mount by clearing it swiftly.
Unfortunately, getting a person to respond to you in a non-automated way with modern Blizzard (or any company really) is difficult. Those with the best chance have a large social media following so they can bully or embarrass Blizzard into a response. Alternatively, if enough people complain, Blizzard may open an inevstigation or otherwise provide more information. Use all the channels they give you but know they may just ignore you.
There are a number of areas that can get you into trouble with Blizzard:
1. Automation. This can be macro programs and send inputs or even just hardware automation like technically something to keep moving your mouse so you don't AFK out would count as automation against ToS;
2. Input broadcasting. This only changed in 2019 or so. Before that multi-boxing with input broadcasting was really common. You can still use multi-boxing software but every input has to be separate. I've personally done this to 5-man things.;
3. Bypassing the need for user input.
The last one deserves some discussion and there's some nuance. Here are some examples of things that people once did that now are either impossible or will get you into trouble:
- Auto-follow. In Classic people would use this to run SM boosts AFK as they could drag around their boostees by just group chatting "!follow". Blizzard changed the API for this I believe;
- Auto-accepting role when content is queued;
- Auto-accepting a queue when it pops.
But there's som enuance here.
Compare this to Battle Pet scripts, These replace hitting any of the buttons with just one button but you're still inputting something for each action so it's OK.
Likewise, the game provides an option to auto-loot. That would technically bypass the need to input but it's OK because the game provides it.
Now addons like Leatrix take this a little further in a way that Blizzard could technically argue is against ToS, like auto-accepting quests, skipping cut-scenes or selling junk.
Anyway, the point of this long explanation is to ask: were you doing anything that could be construed as bypassing the need to input or otherwise input broadcasting (eg pressing one key to auto-accept all the group invites, role checks and/or queue pops)?
The only addons I use are Bigwigs, Narcissus, Plumber, very light weakauras for cosmetic purposes like spell pro, Mapster, ElvUi, Masque, nothing else whatsoever. No external programs, no third party Ui overlays etc, no multiboxxing etc.
I’m a simple disabled guy with Multiple Sclerosis who just plays WoW each week and thought lvl 11 Fury was fun so I made it and gave it a literal spin with whirlwind and now my almost 13 year old account since 2012 is poofed with no appeal chance after three days of queueing about 50+ timewalkers total. Using a class with natural gear received from queueable content and no outside help. I did not abuse WoD trinket bugs, my gear is visible on armory by name. It’s all natural gained and enchanted.
To me this feels like Blizzard has decided to change the interpretation of something in the ToS and done a mass ban as a result. IMHO any change in policy should be explicitly stated prior to implementation (eg as the multi-boxing ban was) and generally any initial enforcement should be a warning or a limited suspension at best. A permaban is kind of ridiculous.
I’ve been researching for hours about recent Twink bans this year and multiple community figureheads have experienced it first hand, none of which have been overturned so I think I’m screwed at this point.
May I ask, were you using any hardware or software to help with your disability that Blizzard may construe as "botting", "automation" or some other ToS violation?
All these bans have given me pause that maybe I should lay off my own twinks for a few weeks to see where the dust settles on this.