Lost City Issues


New Member
Hey all,

I've been loving my 11 Fury Warrior in Timewalking, super-fast in classic. Decent in Cata...until Lost City of Tol'vir.

There are numerous mobs, hard to pin it down, blizz logs aren't helping me, and I've filtered out all the extra junk (that I know about), that are one-shotting me. I'm limited on kicks, at 11 obviously, and cannot pin down what is doing it - I think it is the plagues, but am unsure of which mobs I need to down first. It's been a while since I've been in them, but I don't remember an ability that did this much damage. Granted I was never a lvl 11 twink back then.

It was my first dungeon on the new TW, and it had me thinking they nerfed us.

I've scoured Wowhead, but don't see anything obvious.

Maybe I'm slow, but old age does that to a person!

Any tips for this particular dungeon? I have had zero problems up until now. I'm not BiS...yet, but working on it.

Let me know what to provide for help, as I'm new to this.

I just don't want to slow other people down, I don't mind about myself. Just pissing people off is something I like to avoid, if possible. And slowing others down isn't a fun time for anyone.

Appreciate all you guys do!

Perhaps it's simply the scaling ?
I've only done 1 Cata TW and it was Stonecore. The mobs do have more Hqp but since I was healing I didn't really see the damage they dealt.

Other than that I'm not sure what could be the issue. Unless your numbers (and lifestealing numbers) went down you have not been nerfed and if they haven't then chances are the scaling is less favorable to lower levels.
Could be. Wish I could do it without crippling a group, so I could figure out what's up.

Maybe it's just me?
That has to be it, just a kick to stop? How to get others to use their kicks?
ah I see it is a disease, I shall try to prepare accordingly.

Thanks a bunch,.
when i looked at combat log, it hit me for full HP, i did not pay attention what the amount of overkill damage was. not sure that trinket would be fast enough to save you for the first dot tik or the following tiks it's a 10 sec dot that spreads
when i looked at combat log, it hit me for full HP,
It overkills me. Definitely going to have to find something.

Those look viable, and I may have to "trinket dance" with some of these cata dungeons. Good thing they are not around that long. A lot of people have forgotten the mechanics and some have changed completely. But I can plow through them all except this one...which is frustrating, to say the least.

I appreciate all the feedback and if I find that these work, if I can get them, I'll report back.

Very helpful community.

I also don't remember myself getting it, but I did see friendly fire that passed it to me. Maybe staying away from others, and telling them to stay away if they get it???
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https://www.wowhead.com/npc=44976/neferset-plaguebringer in the part on the way to 4th boss cast infectious plague, it's a DOT for high levels but one shot kills low levels on initial tic
It is on the way to the first boss as well. I died in each mob pack. After the first boss I was good, until the part you mention. Barim also downed me pretty quick, though not as quick as those other guys. Had one guy get so frustrated that he switched to prot (when I switched to prot I didn't seem to die as quick!, but I'll have to see if it was the stance of the ignore pain).

We'll figure this out!
Definitely dying way easier this week than last few weeks, but still doing 20x the DPS of everyone else in the group.
Mechanics just kind of matter this week, all I can recommend is on those specific fights if your trink has an on use ability save it for those pulls and nuke the boss down or that group down before they can get their special ability off.
The problem is that people see the twink and think they don't have to participate. Most of the times they don't even talk when I engage with them. And marking mobs doesn't work as they don't care. Not everyone, but a vast majority of pugs just want to pump through. I've definitely tried mowing these guys down as quick as possible, and there were a couple times someone would stun them, but without stuns

Maybe I should move my twink to a twink guild? That way we can figure it out without bothering others?

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