Lolkeybinds r for baddies

Kinali said:
On my hunter (in the making) I WASD, keybind, click all at once... not to mention jumping... very very important!

It really isn't that hard, you just have to acclimate your fingers to fast switches lol

Oh yeah bro, I know what you mean. I do the same, I was just playing when I said Hax. I have allsorts of wierd Keybinds :p
Honestly my main rogue had a shit load of keybinds, some where annoying to hit though (For my, my pinkies are fail)

like <CTRL>4 (was a focus macro.. forgot what one)

a-strafe left

d-strafe right


s-back(thinking about changing that up)

1(AB'1'*1) Corruption

2(AB'1'2) CoA

3(AB'1'3) Immolate

4(AB'1'4) Shadow Bolt

5(AB'1'5) Searing Pain

6(AB'1'6) DL

Middle mouse(AB'1'7) Fear

Q(AB'1'8) DS

E(AB'1'9) Petattack Macro

R(AB'1'10) Lifeblood

T(AB'1'11) Wand macro (puts on Gravestone Scepter)

X(AB'1'12) Equip Banshee Rod of the Sun


G(AB'2'1) Human racial

S-G(AB'2'2) Demon skin

C-G(AB'2'3) Speed pot

O(AB'2'5) Bandage

/(AB'2'6) Life tap

'(AB'2'7) AGM

K(AB'2'8) Rumsey

Y(AB'2'9) Summon pet (wierd I know)

Kinda weird I know, but I've been rolling with these bindings for so long that if I changed them I would play like a retard for like a month.

*AB=Action bar '#'=AB number AB'1'1=the number on the action bar (0=10 -=11 ==12)
Grabco said:
Unfortunatley tab selecting does not allow a pally or shamman to be in melee combat and quickly target someone for healing or in the pallies case Hand of Freedom or Hand of Protection. But yeah when you are a hunter or lock and standing at range tabbing people works the best.

And when you are a healer, click casting on the unit frames works best, because you don't have to do any targeting. I even click cast Arcane Intellect, Remove Curse and Dampen Magic on my mage, because I want every ability at my disposal right there, usable with the minimum possible effort.

I get the impression most twink healers don't even have a unit frames addon to show more than just their own party, and instead combine the plain awful default interface with dragging the out of party members onto the screen to see health bars (which also don't clearly display poisons or magic debuffs that can be removed).

With my focus pre set to an FC I don't even have to click cast, because the button I use to heal myself, is right next to the one for my focus, and casts the same set of spells.

And standing still to TAB select? Are you serious?

No hunter should ever be standing still. Hell, no /player/ should be standing still, unless it is necessary to cast a spell with a long cast time (and for a hunter autoshot doesn't require that, it needs something like the swing timer that comes with the quartz addon, so you can see when you need to /pause/ to let the auto-shots off.

You should be using you own movement to move the enemy to where you want them, whether this is leading them towards backup, zerg-herding (to one side of midfield to clear a path for an FC team), or continuing to move towards their FR while killing them, so you get there quicker.

On my shammy I know the point out of the door based on my average lag, at which to hit Q for ghostwolf, and all the turning points round obstacles, all the way to the enemy flag and out their door, that will get the enemy flag home in the shortest time possible, because getting that flag out of their base before they even pick yours up is a big advantage.

The split seconds you lose from doing anything inefficiently can be win or lose situations.

Like when someone is standing still to buff up just after they rez, and the enemy FC is already half way down your tunnel, then the few seconds they spent not moving could mean an enemy cap, thanks to a missed cast from them being just out of range, that could have slowed them enough to be taken down.
Abcfear said:
Kinda weird I know, but I've been rolling with these bindings for so long that if I changed them I would play like a retard for like a month.

I never stop refining my macros and key/button bindings, and making them more intuitive across all my alts. If I'm having trouble getting used to a new layout then a bit of farming usually sets things straight, wax-on/wax-off style.

(Did have a bit of a mishap in a raid once though, when a tank lost aggro and I reflexively tried clicking PW: Shield, but was playing my lock, and that's where I'd put Howl of Terror.)
1. Wingclip

2. Raptor Strike

3. Mongoose Bite

4. Serpent Sting

5. Arcane Shot

6. Concussive Shot

7. Multi Shot

R. Pet Attack

Shift R. Pet follow

Middle Mouse. Trinket

Shift 1. Immolation Trap

Mousewheel Up. Hawk/Monkey

Mousewheel Down. Hunter's Mark

Shift 2. Mend Pet

Shift 3. Call Pet

Shift 4. Scare Beast

F. Cheetah

Shift F. Herb

G. Bandage

T. Eyes of the Beat

V. Ravage

Shift V. AGM

C. Naaru

F1. BoA staff

F2. Twisted w/ 25 AGI

same binds with my priest just didnt feel like logging over.
pereith said:
(Did have a bit of a mishap in a raid once though, when a tank lost aggro and I reflexively tried clicking PW: Shield, but was playing my lock, and that's where I'd put Howl of Terror.)

You bring up another great topic. How do you switch between classes / toons / specs and still play effectively? The majority of players either don't have or don't seriously play alts OR they generally suck when they switch from their main.

In my case, in any given week I will play 12 - 18 hours on at least 4 or 5 of the following: 80 Druid (dual spec healer/boomkin), 80 Hunter, 80 Mage, 77 DK and my level 19 twinks (Rogue, Hunter, Pally, Druid). The ONLY way I am able to switch between these and still perform reasonably well is to have a logical and consistent user interface which includes mouse clicks (key bound to actions) and Addons.

For example, my mouse thumb button (left side of the mouse) is always used as an emergency button. For a healer, it is key bound to my big / instant heal (e.g. Swiftmend), for a hunter it is Kill Shot. Mouse wheel left click is always my standard spam ability. For my druid healer, that's Rejuvination. For my twink Pally FC, it's Hand of Freedom. I have 5 buttons which translates to 15 key bound actions because you can also use the SHIFT and ALT modifiers while clicking the buttons. Conditional abilities are mouse wheel right click. No need to follow my approach, but whatever pick, you should be consistent across your toons.

As for Addons, you should be using these to alert you when abilities are available (e.g. off cooldown), when you don't have a debuff on your target, when something you care about Procs, when you don't have a specific buff on yourself, how many combo points you have, etc. Healers of course should be using Grid or an equivalent.

Obviously, if you seriously play only 1 or 2 toons/specs or if the content is not that challenging (e.g. questing, PvP vs noobs / poor gear, lower level instances), you probably can be effective without most or all this stuff. However, when confronting challenging content (most PvP, high end raiding as a healer) on multiple toons and specs, you should consider standardizing the functionality of your mouse buttons and making good use of Addons in order to insure you perform effectively.













a-turn left

s-back up

d-turn right

q-strafe left

e-strafe right

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