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Like I said, maybe you should focus more on school so you could some day understand what people are writing, and use those skills on learning to write aswell so I wouldn't have to get a headache reading through your posts. You came here to QQ that I play an OP class. So if I play rdruid (which I've been playing through cata aswell, which was when restos were at their shittiest state for ages), does that mean I can't criticize blizzard for not fixing broken mechanics? Can you tell me what is the logic behind that?

And you seem so mad at me for some reason, why are you trying to flame me anyways?

TLDR; Why do you think that someone playing a supposedly OP class shouldn't have an opinion about anything?

I'm having trouble understanding? Please tell me what part of your post i didn't understand.

Read this through carefully because it's annoying to post the same stuff over and over again.

You play a druid, and you have played feral on it, true? Yes.

You just randomly posted how retarded and op ferals are cause they crit high, but still you play it yourself, true? Yes.

I came here to QQ about you playing an OP class, true? No. What i "QQed" about is that someone playing a class is complaining about the same class being OP and retarded. I doubt anyone would think a class is OP or unkillable when they wrecked one in a duel the other day, if you know what I'm saying. ;]

I'll be nice to you and provide you with an example.

I play a disc priest, do I come here to post "shitzOr priest just critz 300 penancex wtff op retarDED shit"? No. That would make me look dumb since i play the same class myself. Judging by your post regarding OP and retarded feral druids, it looked like you didn't play or hadn't played feral yourself.

OP classes could very well have an opinion on something, but when it's about the class they are playing themselves it just looks ironic. Is the feral spec of another feral druid different from yours, or what makes you suddenly think feral is OP when someone else crit you for 1.5k?

I'm not mad or hating anyone, but look at how you're acting. When I beat you in duel, you flipped out because my strat was, according to you, homosexual and unfair? Yes of course, I shouldn't have pre-healed your starsurge/starfires or bubble myself. My apologies. Then you went to re-enchant some stuff and/or swap gear, then duelled me again. When you realised you couldn't win, you sat in stealth for the whole duel until I decided to duel someone else and you seemed to be proud over your winning strategy.

Also, you're commenting about my English. Noone has really had any troubles understanding me except you. Not sure what's so hard to understand about sentences without perfect punctuations etc. I'm just typing fast and adjusting my text for the ones reading.

You didn't exactly "play" druid in wotlk, unless playing for you means derping around, being a waste of space and throwing games by trying to flag carry when you can't, which is what you did in most games.

anywayz back 2 real hurrx eu hope u cn understand my text now
I'm having trouble understanding? Please tell me what part of your post i didn't understand.

Read this through carefully because it's annoying to post the same stuff over and over again.

You play a druid, and you have played feral on it, true? Yes.

You just randomly posted how retarded and op ferals are cause they crit high, but still you play it yourself, true? Yes.

I came here to QQ about you playing an OP class, true? No. What i "QQed" about is that someone playing a class is complaining about the same class being OP and retarded. I doubt anyone would think a class is OP or unkillable when they wrecked one in a duel the other day, if you know what I'm saying. ;]

I'll be nice to you and provide you with an example.

I play a disc priest, do I come here to post "shitzOr priest just critz 300 penancex wtff op retarDED shit"? No. That would make me look dumb since i play the same class myself. Judging by your post regarding OP and retarded feral druids, it looked like you didn't play or hadn't played feral yourself.

OP classes could very well have an opinion on something, but when it's about the class they are playing themselves it just looks ironic. Is the feral spec of another feral druid different from yours, or what makes you suddenly think feral is OP when someone else crit you for 1.5k?

I'm not mad or hating anyone, but look at how you're acting. When I beat you in duel, you flipped out because my strat was, according to you, homosexual and unfair? Yes of course, I shouldn't have pre-healed your starsurge/starfires or bubble myself. My apologies. Then you went to re-enchant some stuff and/or swap gear, then duelled me again. When you realised you couldn't win, you sat in stealth for the whole duel until I decided to duel someone else and you seemed to be proud over your winning strategy.

Also, you're commenting about my English. Noone has really had any troubles understanding me except you. Not sure what's so hard to understand about sentences without perfect punctuations etc. I'm just typing fast and adjusting my text for the ones reading.

You didn't exactly "play" druid in wotlk, unless playing for you means derping around, being a waste of space and throwing games by trying to flag carry when you can't, which is what you did in most games.

anywayz back 2 real hurrx eu hope u cn understand my text now

Sorry TLDR your QQ, maybe you should make a thread and vent your frustration, maybe someone can actually bother to read it through.
queue 19's instead of posting walls of text
not rly mad?... just saying this is a 'cmon queue 19's thread', not many would care to read your post..
Not sure what you're trying to prove.

Do you think ferals are balanced with their 1-shot crits? If yes, then OK I am wrong.

Reading these posts i don't think anywhere that he said ferals were balanced, he just said it was funny that you, a druid was complaining about your own class. Then when he tried to explain his hypothesis with examples of his priest, you didnt even bother to read it, probably because you knew you were wrong. Furthermore you look even more retarded by having snack come to defend you after you "cba wall of text" which you can't even deny because the proof is right there. Please grow up, maybe atleast read what people have to say and if your wrong then admit it and move on.

TLDR: just for you mesi, Grow the fuck up and read what people have to say.
Not sure what you're trying to prove.

Do you think ferals are balanced with their 1-shot crits? If yes, then OK I am wrong.

what the fuck is so hard to understand

do i play feral nope

do you play feral yes

if you saw me raging about priests being retarded and op, wouldnt u find it a bit weird since i play 19 priest daily

still a better druid than u and every fotm reroller in your trash guild, bye
Reading these posts i don't think anywhere that he said ferals were balanced, he just said it was funny that you, a druid was complaining about your own class. Then when he tried to explain his hypothesis with examples of his priest, you didnt even bother to read it, probably because you knew you were wrong. Furthermore you look even more retarded by having snack come to defend you after you "cba wall of text" which you can't even deny because the proof is right there. Please grow up, maybe atleast read what people have to say and if your wrong then admit it and move on.

TLDR: just for you mesi, Grow the fuck up and read what people have to say.

1) I cba playing feral, maybe once a week or two, for like 2 games because 1-shotting everything and having 100% ToT is pretty fucking boring. Much like a hunter in Cata.

2) I think it is pretty unbalanced that there is a spec that you can 1-shot like 75% of classes with, don't you think it's pretty OP aswell? If yes, how am I wrong?

3) The fact that I play druid doesn't make it any less true, does it?

4) Why should I waste my time reading through a post that I know will consist mainly of personal insults, because Hurrx has some kind of a problem with me? I don't really even care what he has to say because I know ferals are OP as fuck, and whatever he says doesn't change it one bit.

Have I made myself clear?
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"I forgot how retarded ferals are, 1,6k crits at 0 stacks and our FC just got 2,9k ferobite at 5 stacks. Feral = pure skill. Might aswell start afking out all feral games. There is nothing fun with these games when all you can do is wait for your FC/you get 1-shot. They also have 100% time on target unless you have a good lock/priest in defense, so yeah it's pretty fucking hopeless. Literally got 1-banged when I was jumping for the cap with 0 debuff stacks. 800 ambush and 1,6k fero bite, well okay."

To be fair to mesi's point you can still acknowledge a class bien op even if you play it.

the way he wrote it makes it sound like hes this pro playing real UP balance & resto specs and never touched feral
1) I cba playing feral, maybe once a week or two, for like 2 games because 1-shotting everything and having 100% ToT is pretty fucking boring. Much like a hunter in Cata.

2) I think it is pretty unbalanced that there is a spec that you can 1-shot like 75% of classes with, don't you think it's pretty OP aswell? If yes, how am I wrong?

3) The fact that I play druid doesn't make it any less true, does it?

4) Why should I waste my time reading through a post that I know will consist mainly of personal insults, because Hurrx has some kind of a problem with me? I don't really even care what he has to say because I know ferals are OP as fuck, and whatever he says doesn't change it one bit.

Have I made myself clear?

1. I never said you couldnt play feral, its your class, you can decide what specc you play. Nor did i get mad that you did play feral.
2. Yes its unbalanced, i never disagreed with you nor said you were wrong.
3. refer to 1
4. he did try to explain himself the post wasnt just flame

All i did in my post was try to further explain hurrx's reasoning, and if you did read it then you would of noticed he gave an example and that it wasnt full on flame. I have nothing agaisnt you, clearly hurrx has a problem with you, doesnt mean everything he posts will be flame.
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