Log 19 and que NOW!

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Seems I left that match too early though since after I left apparently alli filled up. Our team was so lame at the start and I have better shit to do than get derped at gy with a baddy team for 20 minutes :p

Anyone still q'ing tonight?
No one gy farmed that bg tho, and yes you did leave rather early, considering you only died twice. We've been in queue for 35 mins and no pop, so I guess they stopped.
i lol'd that you knew who he was talking about when he said "the small penors" joined <3
ye you know what they say, know your place.
I am still in queue, getting to that point where the wee ones are going to bed for school tho so I doubt theres gonna be more
I am still in queue, getting to that point where the wee ones are going to bed for school tho so I doubt theres gonna be more

y u no q on your own acc, gtfo boeuf.
i changed my mind, im online on stormscale lmao, no reason to log out when i finally got in =P
Been popping today and yesterday, so get queing :) Last game I played had a bit too many scrubs so if you want to prove yourself over average, que up and go pwn scrubs.
These horde groups are shocking rofl.

No but try downing a protwarr with 2x hpala + fmage D: Your offense wasn't sucky but our D was OP. The other games were pretty shit indeed tho.

I'll log on horde too if I can be bothered playing more tonight. Prolly gonna just level my DK to 90 since I'm half a lvl away :)
No but try downing a protwarr with 2x hpala + fmage D: Your offense wasn't sucky but our D was OP. The other games were pretty shit indeed tho.

We had the classes but the people playing them were retarded, nobody reading the chat and running around clueless not knowing what the fuck to do which is just not cool vs a solid D like the one you had. So many times that mage should have died then the 2 paladins would have been easy with our poly but nope, gg though.

Hopefully be more pops there's still some people q'ing.
both sides still stacking healers and hybrids?
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