Either of the specs can get top dmg and besides SUV the other two specs don't have to work hard to do it. MM will top HKs easily I was messing around this morning one shotting twink healers lol. The drawback with MM you have to cast your main abilities Aimed Shot and Steady Shot even though it's uninterruptible makes 1v1 against certain classes a chore and 2v1 miserable but been spoiled so don't have to kite much if you position properly run camo and strafe at the time i thought they are god tier but then i lvl'd my hunter to 119 and saw how much better it is so i could update the list and put them on S tier and assa rogues on A tier actually, also i would put hunters allot higher. thinking either S tier or even god tier (the thing is, if u play MM hunter and u dont get hard focus'd every fight ull be above boomie's dmg. BM hunter u give in dmg for survival)
BM spec in my case I have alot of Mastery and traits/trinkets give me a bit excessive amount so ny pet in like a twink fury warrior I can control lol. I have sent pets inside groups of people and it ate everything it's very comfortable to play. The spirit beasts heals and buff are nice. You are a but tanky and people make the mistake of not attempting to cc pet while going for you dying easily. Running Wild protector and that with roar of sacrifice makes 1v2 sometimes 3 against non twinks cake if all CDs up you will tear through DPS. Even twinks wouldn't want to 1v1 or even attempt generally, I have gotten jumped by 4 non-twink dropped Basilisk and wondered how they disappeared so fast lol. Very fun spec to play and low risk even less so than MM because getting jumped or ganged up on isn't as bad to deal with at all.
SUV has been my main spec for Hunter since legion and I spent majority of time pre-patch playing it and during 8.0. Correctly played not even The other two specs could beat a Suv 1v1 easily if at all. Far as BGs goes as I said before they can top dmg charts really easy if you comfortable with the spec. I run with bird pet slow/ master's call, run Net, steel and explosive trap etc. So melee just don't do great against SUV 1v1 and as a twink you can chip away at people from a distance very effectively without having to mix it up. It is a very flexible class/spec with no glaring weaknesses specced right, with Mending Bandage/camo giving nice heals when you need it. Casters find SUV hard to deal with cause survival instincts can ruin lot of their DPS besides SUV able to get away almost at will doesn't help. And bombs make serpent sting and bombs make ganging up on SUV not with price besides as I said witj talent I run can easily leave people stuck in a steep trap, ice trap, Net, Stun, then can just disengage remove whatever slows on me and if they charge use gap closer just masters call cheetah away while my pet is slowing them whole times and im still peppering then with bombs and sting.
All this before even getting to Turtle, exhilaration and coordinated assault I have had couple people doggedly chasing me just to realize they don't have alot of hp(or trinket now) and SUV burst is nasty burst and can be used from a distance just fine also kiting people realize these traps on a short CD so when you do finally catch up can literally toe to toe them or keep kiting them whole bursting them. Very fun spec though I say MM is the most fun, I can say SUV is my favorite to play.
Hunter is all around solid in every spec and you will be fine without style of play you prefer with little practice. Honestly don't even check for twinks when playing hunter cause if it's not a healer or a premade group of them you won't have a lot of trouble.
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