Life on other planets than earth!

muchies said:
Evolution is Not Just a Theory: home as you unfortunately don't seem to understand what the word theory means in a scientific context.

How does that differ from what a theory means in everyday usage? You observe facts and use a theory to explain them, sometimes you observe new facts which cause you to revise the theory. The problem with today's scientific community is that when they observe facts that don't fit with the model of a commonly held theory (evolution is a good example) they would prefer to attempt to modify the facts instead of the theory.

Zuty has a good point in that most of what we take for granted in everyday life as fact, is really a theory. This mentality leads people from laymen to the academic community to ridicule anyone who challenges those theories. This behaviour is not conducive to to advancing out knowledge of our world.
muchies said:

Please look at the varying definitions of speciation that they use. To produce a planet with as many different forms of life as ours has then new species must be fertile, to confirm that it not just a subspecies they must also be unable to produce fertile offspring with species they branched from. None of the observed instances support that, the term species was merely redefined or applied impractically.
Rivfader said:
You observe facts and use a theory to explain them, sometimes you observe new facts which cause you to revise the theory.

Here's the part where you present the new facts which cause us to revise the theory of evolution by natural selection. Also, evolution IS the fact the theory explains the process of evolution.

Rivfader said:
The problem with today's scientific community is that when they observe facts that don't fit with the model of a commonly held theory (evolution is a good example) they would prefer to attempt to modify the facts instead of the theory.

[Citation Needed]
muchies said:
Here's the part where you present the new facts which cause us to revise the theory of evolution by natural selection. Also, evolution IS the fact the theory explains the process of evolution.

I'm not trying to refute evolution, I'm pointing out that it is the theory, not the fact and we should embrace it's revision should new facts arise. Evolution is not the end all, be all, explaination for why we are here. It's like trying to decide what picture a puzzle is showing us when there are only a handful of pieces available. The theory is the picture and the puzzle pieces are the facts, the theory is subject to change.
muchies said:
[Citation Needed]

I will use an example from Egyptology:

The building of the Great Sphynx at Giza is credited to Pharaoh Khafra because there is an obelisk in front of the Sphynx stating so. When Graham Hancock pointed out that the Sphynx has verticle erosion lines that are made by water (not just the horizontal ones made by wind) he claimed that dated the Sphynx to be much earlier, about 10,500 BC when it was last believed that rain was common in that part of Egypt. The result was that the academic community ridiuled him and much of his archaeological studies despite the fact that he later produced more evidence supporting his theory that the Sphynx was much older and likely was a lion before having Khafra's head carved into it during his reign.
Alright people. I study religion at uni, and in some viewpoints religion can be viewed as a social construction in the subject called Religious Knowledge / Theology, but just because of that viewpoint we do not take sides if a religion is true or false. Let's put this into the context of the planet existing around us. There is a chance with the knowledge we currently have that there is indeed more intelligent life outside earth, even if its not proven. To take sides wether it actually is as it says or not is imo just theorycrafting, but people can imo belive what they want, as long as they dont force their ideals upon others.

While I do think it's an interessting discussion, I think that when you argue for something, just make sure you got the facts correct, or as close to correct as possible. And there is indeed quite alot of different methods that work for different persons in what grants meaning in one's life. Take the example if someone is sick. One person might explain it as ''hey, I worked too hard, got stressed and dint take care of myself'' while others might view it as karma for their bad behaviour.

And how religion affects society is already a pretty big subject at higher studies, so if you guys are interessted in that, please learn the actual facts from books written by people who are trying to keep an intersubjective arguement going :) Otherwise an interessting thread imo!
Zuty said:
I've sat around long enough while the lambs of the world blindly follow false god's to their demise. Now it's encroaching not only on my life and future, but my future generations. Half the world is trying to kill off any non-believer who gets in their way, because of the printed words in an old tome while the other half tries to hold all this shit together and explain to people that thunder, earthquakes, and volcano's are not acts of or prove that there is a omnipotent, all knowing/seeing entity. I've studied religion long enough and seen the effects that it has on people when they get drawn into these cults. It's sickening and if YOU can't see that, then may your god, and all the other god's out there, have mercy on your soul.

Non-believers form a group in and of themselves, in which they have their own beliefs. It's never been what you believe in, it's HOW you act upon those beliefs. I can easily see Atheists going and killing Christians, and I can see it go the other way too. It's humanity's way of dealing with people who don't believe in the same ideals.

I would watch what you say closely. You may hang on to these beliefs fiercely, and you might deal in absolutes with them, but if you can't see the other side of the coin, you are no better than they are.
Zuty said:
It's out there, will you meet these other lifeforms in your life time or even see images on them? Probably not, but who knows. If we all stopped fighting for 5 minutes and/or got rid of religion, we'd have light sabers and be colonizing planets.


Life couldn't exist without fighting. At the very least Human's couldn't. It's built into our nature. Yet... other life.. its so distant. We are but a mere speck of a speck of a speck of a time-stamp on the enormous universal plane. Our lives are far too short. For my liking at least. I want to to touch, see, smell (ew?), feel or even hear another life form not of this world at least once in my lifetime, even if its dangerous.
We should be focusing on progressing as a species, which we have failed to do in the past years...(Excluding Japan) We'll all be dead within....I'll say the next four hundred years? You're underestimating the stupidity of mankind.
what has japan been doing to progress humanity except make wacky game shows and weird fetish stuff and take pride way too seriously
Falkor said:
what has japan been doing to progress humanity except make wacky game shows and weird fetish stuff and take pride way too seriously

Umm...Ninja Warrior? Hellooooo?
Painaid said:
Umm...Ninja Warrior? Hellooooo?

that isn't exactly any kind of evolving of the body and not a mutation so it doesn't count as a form of evolution

if you could only survive by being a ninja and people were born as ninjas it would be
Falkor said:
what has japan been doing to progress humanity except make wacky game shows and weird fetish stuff and take pride way too seriously

They're more progression and science oriented in general...Try


Cloning(far more advanced than ours)

Medicine, and robotic technology, oh let's not forget their education system alone is MILES ahead of anything we have. Thanks for playing ;)
Reflexes said:
They're more progression and science oriented in general...Try


Cloning(far more advanced than ours)

Medicine, and robotic technology, oh let's not forget their education system alone is MILES ahead of anything we have. Thanks for playing ;)

Man I want ****ing cryogenics already...

Disney would be back. Pause in terminal illness. Immortal until energy depletion?
Cloud said:
Man I want ****ing cryogenics already...

Disney would be back. Pause in terminal illness. Immortal until energy depletion?

I just want to be able to fish for space carp. It's an anglers dream.

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