Life on other planets than earth!

Zuty said:
I really don't see how that is a cop-out at all. Our planet is not even a spec on the spectrum of the entire galaxy, on top of that there are an infinite amount of dimensions/realities. So at the end of the day you really think that no life exists beyond Earth? That's idiotic and egoistic.

@Turtlezyo - Ironic that you call be narrow-minded when that's how religion works. I strongly dislike religion, it's ruined our world and caused nothing but problems. Nothing else needs to be said about it; it's how I feel and nothing will change my mind on the subject matter.


It's not that I don't think it likely that there is life on other planets. I'm pointing out the fact that, given the information available, it is just as absurd to believe that there is life on other planets as it is to believe that there isn't. In that regard calling people stupid or arrogant because they choose to be skeptical is ridiculous.

I like the "infinite dimensions and realities" comment, you're really grasping at straws there. If there really are infinite dimensions and realities then isn't it a certianty that God exists in one of them? In infinity everything is possible yes?
Bankbeauty said:
I love how you said

few billions.

I kinda laughed my ass off.

We went from animals to what we are now in about 200 000 Years.

But you expect us to be able to move deeper in the space only in a ''few'' '''''''Billions''''''' years. Funny boy.

Earth is 4 Billions years old and you expect the human being to take this much time to be able to go into another galaxy, I lol'd, really lol'd.

You know how many times 200 000 enter in a billion? 5000 Times.

In a 1/5000 billion years we've been able to come from unintelligent creature to space discoveries and theories. And you, captain obvious, expect us to take 4999/5000 to move in the space, how funny that statement was.

i'm talking about travel to other galaxies mate

they are too far away

unless we can warp spacetime or travel while surviving or some bullshit we're not going to be there in awhile

other stars, however, will take mere millions of years to get to
Druiddroid said:
i'm talking about travel to other galaxies mate

they are too far away

unless we can warp spacetime or travel while surviving or some bullshit we're not going to be there in awhile

other stars, however, will take mere millions of years to get to

People 200-300 years ago couldn't EVEN believe in the idea of going into the space. Now we, not only went into the space, but been able to send drone onto other planets and sent thousands of satellite all around.

I mean, like I said, I'm not saying it's gonna be done in 20 years and maybe I'm a little to optimistic, but I don't think it will take more then a thousand year to reach this if the evolution and period of time in which we are right now continue the way it is going.
Zuty said:
@Turtlezyo - Ironic that you call be narrow-minded when that's how religion works. I strongly dislike religion, it's ruined our world and caused nothing but problems. Nothing else needs to be said about it; it's how I feel and nothing will change my mind on the subject matter.


again you're an ignorant douchebag with a few bad views on religion, that's caused because retards choose to use it like retards and you start to assume that all religion is ruining the world. any ways, your point didn't have anything to do with what I said and you continue to assume the wonders beyond earth contains life, without any proof, and everyone who doesn't thinks the same are wrong. What does that remind you of?

oh yea

Zuty said:
that's how religion works.
Rivfader said:
I like the "infinite dimensions and realities" comment, you're really grasping at straws there. If there really are infinite dimensions and realities then isn't it a certianty that God exists in one of them? In infinity everything is possible yes?

That is a possibility. If there is another dimension out there made entirely of pudding, why can't there be one ruled over by a giant beared man floating in the clouds talking to people through burning bushes or impregnating women?

Turtlezyo said:
retards choose to use it like retards and you start to assume that all religion is ruining the world.

Not assuming, fact.

you continue to assume the wonders beyond earth contains life

Again: Not assuming, fact.

without any proof, and everyone who doesn't think the same are wrong.

Correct. Was that so hard to understand? Glad we're on the same page.

Painaid said:
I would tend to agree. A few billion years is a tad bit of an exaggeration. Our knowledge just in the past three hundred years has increased exponentially. I don't think the ability to travel across the galaxy is so far of a distant leap that it would require such a long time.

sauce on exponential increase in knowledge? i mean you do grasp what exponential increase means, right? cuz thats just not true

if we were seeing exponential increases over 300 years, shit we should be flying in rocket cars right now

Zuty said:
it's ruined our world and caused nothing but problems. Nothing else needs to be said about it; it's how I feel and nothing will change my mind on the subject matter.

you are narrow minded. narrow minded and stupid if you think its a) ruined our world or b) caused nothing but problems. if you really believe A then you're just a melodramatic baby.....which i can believe. and if believe B youre just a narrow minded fool. does religion have flaws? yes...a lot. but to say its never done ANYTHING positive, over the course of history - of all religions too, not just the modern "big 3" - well shiiii you just look ignant.

Bankbeauty said:
to go into another galaxy

key words right there. making billions not too far off

see we need a way to get discovering some new laws that would allow us to go the speed of light or higher, "wormhole" short cuts in the universe, or just long ass normal travel. 1 and 2 dont look very likely. 3 is just as far off since you'd need entire generations of astronauts on the ship to make the journey at sublight speeds. then theres the effects of null gravity on humans that we havent solved for long term, which would most likely be fatal over the course of the trip. the problem of staying supplied with air, water, and food on the journey, as well as getting rid of waste products. we'd need energy of some kind to get us there too, like solar sails and what not. oh and we'd need super shielding to protect the ship from the smallest rocks floating out there, but all the radiation and other bad things out there as well. with the space race being over & nasa not doing any more manned shuttle missions for the future....what do you expect will happen that would allow travel to other galaxies, whether life is there or not.
Zuty said:
That is a possibility. If there is another dimension out there made entirely of pudding, why can't there be one ruled over by a giant beared man floating in the clouds talking to people through burning bushes or impregnating women?

Not assuming, fact.

Again: Not assuming, fact.

Correct. Was that so hard to understand? Glad we're on the same page.


now you're just trolling because you can't give me a valid respond

or maybe you're just stupid
How on earth (no pun intended) is life on other planets a fact? It has been hypothesized, there have been countless hours of math and statistics done, but it has not been proven to my knowledge.

Theory: Religion doesn't really hurt anybody. People who think in absolutes and force those thoughts on other people hurt the world much more. Many of those people happen to be religious and base their absolute beliefs upon them. I don't like religion and I don't like atheists either. I like the grey area.
Taitaih said:
Theory: Religion doesn't really hurt anybody. People who think in absolutes and force those thoughts on other people hurt the world much more. Many of those people happen to be religious and base their absolute beliefs upon them. I don't like religion and I don't like atheists either. I like the grey area.

This, so much this. Science deals in theories, even evolution is still just a theory, even if a well substantiated one. When you start regarding theories as irrefutable fact you become no different than some bible thumper scaring sinners with fire and brimstone using the bible as proof.

Being open-minded does not mean being an atheist who considers all scientific theories above reproach. A little more on topic, theories are all well and good, but you should never be afraid to question what someone tells you just because they have a PhD.
Falkor said:
sauce on exponential increase in knowledge? i mean you do grasp what exponential increase means, right? cuz thats just not true

if we were seeing exponential increases over 300 years, shit we should be flying in rocket cars right now

I say that in the figurative sense. What I should say is that ever since the industrial revolution, we have been advancing at a very fast pace, capable of doing feats that humans just mere hundreds of years ago thought not to be possible. Technology continues to prove that man is more capable of what one might think.

Exponential, outside of math, is kind of hard to quantify. But man's advancement just since the industrial revolution far and away outpaces itself compared to the thousands of years that humanity existed before that time. Hence the expression 'exponential'.

you are narrow minded. narrow minded and stupid if you think its a) ruined our world or b) caused nothing but problems. if you really believe A then you're just a melodramatic baby.....which i can believe. and if believe B youre just a narrow minded fool. does religion have flaws? yes...a lot. but to say its never done ANYTHING positive, over the course of history - of all religions too, not just the modern "big 3" - well shiiii you just look ignant.

Wow, I'm shocked. Falkor, I really applaud you. For some reason, I never thought I'd see you defend religion. Well done. :) Good to see I don't have to make the same points.

Religion has done many good things to many people. It helps people make sense of the world around them and come to terms with a life that asks so many questions but rarely offers up solid answers. Religion is something that will always exist because it's part of humanity's integral thirst for understanding our world.

Just because religion has/can be used as a vehicle for terrible things does not condemn the thing itself. Hell, if that's the case, we need to do away with every single institution that humanity has ever created because they're susceptible of being corrupted and used for bad means--especially government. Anarchy-ho?

I really feel sorry for people that have such a narrow-minded view of religion. It shows a lack of education on the subject. Understanding why religion is important is a tireless venture, but it's one worth pursuing. Casting it to the aside is akin to casting aside something that is integrally apart of what makes us human beings. It simply does not compute.

with the space race being over & nasa not doing any more manned shuttle missions for the future....what do you expect will happen that would allow travel to other galaxies, whether life is there or not.

You've got good points. But even if we aren't actively exploring manned options, I don't think that stalls our technology and capabilites to go far distances. Even without space manned space exploration, we're still constantly learning more about how the universe operates. Hell, just yesterday I came across this article:

Strange Particles May Travel Faster than Light, Breaking Laws of Physics - Yahoo! News

Who knows what knowledge/discovery awaits when you consider possibilities like this. It's very exciting.

Humanity's shared thirst for knowledge and understanding will always keep us advancing in technology. Searching for answers will inevitably open up new gateways and troves of knowledge.
Falkor said:
does religion have flaws? yes...a lot. but to say its never done ANYTHING positive, over the course of history - of all religions too, not just the modern "big 3" - well shiiii you just look ignant.

You fail to name any. False hope is not positive.

@Turtlezyo - I prefer crazy.

@Tai - I'd like to think it's a fact and believe that there is life beyond our stars. I can't be proved wrong or right, we just have to wait and see who the crazy one is when the

time comes (Stephen Hawking: Why Isn't the Milky Way "Crawling With Self-Designing Mechanical or Biological Life?")

@Riv - Evolution is a process that has always gone on in the history of the earth can be doubted only by those who are ignorant of the evidence or are resistant to evidence, owing to emotional blocks or to plain bigotry. By contrast, the mechanisms that bring evolution about certainly need study and clarification. There are no alternatives to evolution as history that can withstand critical examination. Yet we are constantly learning new and important facts about evolutionary mechanisms. Ergo, evolution is not a theory but a fact. The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is our best explanation for the fact of evolution. It has been tested and scrutinised for over 150 years, and is supported by all the relevant observations. ( Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution )

@Painaid - Everything I need to say about religion is summed up here : (THANKS INTERNET!)

Zuty said:
@Riv - Evolution is a process that has always gone on in the history of the earth can be doubted only by those who are ignorant of the evidence or are resistant to evidence, owing to emotional blocks or to plain bigotry. By contrast, the mechanisms that bring evolution about certainly need study and clarification. There are no alternatives to evolution as history that can withstand critical examination. Yet we are constantly learning new and important facts about evolutionary mechanisms. Ergo, evolution is not a theory but a fact. The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is our best explanation for the fact of evolution. It has been tested and scrutinised for over 150 years, and is supported by all the relevant observations. ( Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution )


I don't want to get too off topic, but you are confusing theory with fact. Just because evolution gives rhe best explanation given the information available does not mean it is irrefutable fact. There was a time in human history when observation told us that the sun was smaller than the earth and rotated around us, that didn't make it true. Evolution is probable given the information available, but to date we have not actually observed a new species arise through natural selection. Dogs are a good example of this, there are big dogs, small dogs, long haired dogs, hairless dogs, all different kinds of dogs, but they are all still the same species.

Theories need skeptics, they need to be challenged. The biggest problem with today's scientific community is that they are unwilling to challenge commonly held beliefs (modern egyptology is a good example of this) and instead try to make their observations fit with the model that was created by some long-dead scientist.
@Riv - You didn't go to the link I provided :< You're using the word 'theory' as it's one definition of being an 'imperfect fact'. You should be using the scientific sense of the term 'theory' : "An established scientific model of a portion of the universe that generates propositions with observational consequences. Such a model both helps generate new research and helps us understand observed phenomena."

Gravity is a theory, Germs are a theory (theory of disease), hell even Cells are a theory.

(Evolution is a Fact and a Theory)

"Evolution is a theory. It is also a fact. And facts and theories are different things, not rungs in a hierarchy of increasing certainty. Facts are the world's data. Theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts. Facts don't go away when scientists debate rival theories to explain them. Einstein's theory of gravitation replaced Newton's in this century, but apples didn't suspend themselves in midair, pending the outcome. And humans evolved from ape-like ancestors whether they did so by Darwin's proposed mechanism or by some other yet to be discovered."


/drops mic and walks off stage

Zuty said:
You fail to name any. False hope is not positive.

@Painaid - Everything I need to say about religion is summed up here : (THANKS INTERNET!)

~Zuty you honestly believe a religion has never, in the history of humanity, done anything good. if youre that close minded, have a fun life doing what ever it is you do

but you base your entire argument off a cartoonists work. which claims that science and religion are not compatible at all, which is false....there have been and still are plenty of scientists who have faith but arent impeded on their quest for knowledge or (openly, at least,) biased towards god(s) and faith vs scientific method. to think we wont be able to keep progressing and solve any problems b/c people like to believe in a greater power is just silly. what indication do you have that religion is causing us to backslide or decline, we're still pressing forward in our scientific research across the globe
@Falkor - I've sat around long enough while the lambs of the world blindly follow false god's to their demise. Now it's encroaching not only on my life and future, but my future generations. Half the world is trying to kill off any non-believer who gets in their way, because of the printed words in an old tome while the other half tries to hold all this shit together and explain to people that thunder, earthquakes, and volcano's are not acts of or prove that there is a omnipotent, all knowing/seeing entity. I've studied religion long enough and seen the effects that it has on people when they get drawn into these cults. It's sickening and if YOU can't see that, then may your god, and all the other god's out there, have mercy on your soul.

thats the most ridiculous thing ive seen. half the world is not trying to kill off nonbelievers, nor do they think that acts of nature are controlled by an omnipotent being. you look at the tiny %, which at certain times is the loudest/gets the most media attention, and you extrapolate that to half the earths population.

and what the hell are you so afraid of exactly. nothing has changed to encroach on your life. scientists and innovators in every field are still doin their thing regardless of their beliefs or lack thereof

i dont think youve studied religion at all, outside of reddit comics. youre just as bad as the bible thumpers, just on the opposite side of the fence.
Rivfader said:
This, so much this. Science deals in theories, even evolution is still just a theory, even if a well substantiated one. When you start regarding theories as irrefutable fact you become no different than some bible thumper scaring sinners with fire and brimstone using the bible as proof.

Being open-minded does not mean being an atheist who considers all scientific theories above reproach. A little more on topic, theories are all well and good, but you should never be afraid to question what someone tells you just because they have a PhD.

Evolution is Not Just a Theory: home as you unfortunately don't seem to understand what the word theory means in a scientific context.
Zuty said:
@Riv - You didn't go to the link I provided :< You're using the word 'theory' as it's one definition of being an 'imperfect fact'. You should be using the scientific sense of the term 'theory' : "An established scientific model of a portion of the universe that generates propositions with observational consequences. Such a model both helps generate new research and helps us understand observed phenomena."

Gravity is a theory, Germs are a theory (theory of disease), hell even Cells are a theory.

(Evolution is a Fact and a Theory)

"Evolution is a theory. It is also a fact. And facts and theories are different things, not rungs in a hierarchy of increasing certainty. Facts are the world's data. Theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts. Facts don't go away when scientists debate rival theories to explain them. Einstein's theory of gravitation replaced Newton's in this century, but apples didn't suspend themselves in midair, pending the outcome. And humans evolved from ape-like ancestors whether they did so by Darwin's proposed mechanism or by some other yet to be discovered."


/drops mic and walks off stage


I did read the link, and my point still stands. Theories are fluid and can be refuted, fact is verifiable truth. You are treating theories as fact. On the topic of that article, I liked their documented instances of speicization, inbreeding fruit flys and plants until they became sterile. That doesn't seem like an ideal way to create a planet full of life. Natural selection is based on verifiable fact, but evolution requires new (fertile) species to arise through natural selection, and that still has yet to be demonstrated. You can't breed fossils, thus the fossile record can only give us an idea of how evolution may have played out. It does not prove natural selection to be the cause of the emergence of new speicies (one of the core tenants of evoltuion).

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