LF New Realm, Sorry to Say I will be Cheating!!

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you have a mage

just spellsteal the wings
Avengers shield/HoJ + wings + Nif + tazik = Me having to ice block almost instantly

and with a disc priest dispelling my mana shield and other defenses. Kinda ****ed. This is a comp that if played right, will wreck everyone.

A 70 disc and a 70 prot is really difficult to beat if played well. Maybe I'm just stupid and i am in no way pointing any hatred towards you (I would if you were in my battlegroup) but it seems really unfair for the other team, especially since when i see a prot+disc 70s i pray their complete idiots or we lose, let alone 72's. Hoping it will get easier to beat this comp when vengeance is gone.

I know I've never gotten over 1700 for the reason that above that every team is this comp in my battlegroup it seems but I'm not an idiot and i know how to play my class and spec (to some degree).

Good luck.
Avengers shield/HoJ + wings + Nif + tazik = Me having to ice block almost instantly

and with a disc priest dispelling my mana shield and other defenses. Kinda ****ed. This is a comp that if played right, will wreck everyone.

A 70 disc and a 70 prot is really difficult to beat if played well. Maybe I'm just stupid and i am in no way pointing any hatred towards you (I would if you were in my battlegroup) but it seems really unfair for the other team, especially since when i see a prot+disc 70s i pray their complete idiots or we lose, let alone 72's. Hoping it will get easier to beat this comp when vengeance is gone.

I know I've never gotten over 1700 for the reason that above that every team is this comp in my battlegroup it seems but I'm not an idiot and i know how to play my class and spec (to some degree).

Good luck.

More like Hammer of the Righteouss 10k without vengeance on qt mages, tazik 4k and some auto hits
Try to block it gl
He said he is looking for a new realm, and he did say he was cheating already. So you guys don't have to point out what he already said thinking you guys are cool trolls. And if you play well against a 72 ret pally you shouldn't have issues. IMO i love going against them because it is a different challenge rather than frost mage/disc priest, which is all that i ever see.
More like Hammer of the Righteouss 10k without vengeance on qt mages, tazik 4k and some auto hits
Try to block it gl

Well as soon as i see wings i try 1 spell steal if he hasn't CC'd me to hell then instant ice block. Not into getting 2 shotted. Problem with it is 9 times out of 10 ill grab his kings or renew.

In my battlegroup the top 4 teams are this comp. Makes me sadface.
He said he is looking for a new realm, and he did say he was cheating already. So you guys don't have to point out what he already said thinking you guys are cool trolls. And if you play well against a 72 ret pally you shouldn't have issues. IMO i love going against them because it is a different challenge rather than frost mage/disc priest, which is all that i ever see.

Honestly thank you.
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