<Level Ten Twinks> Dunemaul EU recruiting/funding

Hey all, I'm looking to revive <Level Ten Twinks> on Dunemaul EU Horde

I'm willing to boost players for all their quest items, professions, possibly funding for those that are active members and maybe even some achi farming if you show real dedication

We have 5 GB slots, Free-For-All, Professions(full of all the cloth you need for First Aid), Gear and Chants(full of BiS BoE's and enchant scrolls and other item enhancements), Consumables(full of potions, scrolls, rum and savory deviate delight :D), and a GM's tab

for more information either post here, PM me or add me on real-id (pure_plonk@hotmail.com)
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I support.

I'd love to do some WG's with you guys if you get the guild up and running again. Will be transferring this to my main's server to get BoAs: http://eu.battle.net...eetsweep/simple

Once I'm 100% (far from it atm, but at least I have some GF'd) I'll consider xferring to dunemaul
Already got a DK there and an old lvl 1 twink

I'd love to have you as a member one day, I hope I can get 10's active again
Re: <Level Ten Twinks> Dunemaul EU recruiting/funding

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Re: <Level Ten Twinks> Dunemaul EU recruiting/funding

Chulz @ Deathwing - Game Guide - World of Warcraft im going to move to Stormscale, to pick up my plate Boa and rest of my BiS gear, and then im going to write a ticket to get moved to Draenor or Dunemaul, havent decided yet..
Re: <Level Ten Twinks> Dunemaul EU recruiting/funding

My pally Horde side. We are active here too. If we can put up some games that would be awesome.
Re: <Level Ten Twinks> Dunemaul EU recruiting/funding

I have started this bad boy on alliance side - Amps @ Runetotem - Game Guide - World of Warcraft - i think resto shamans will be pretty sweet come MoP (1.5 sec heal + riptide on 6sec cd)

I have all the boas i need which aren't in the armory as they are on another char, all i need is atleast 1 agm and i'm good to go.

I also used to have a full bis 10 rogue on alliance side with wingblade etc from horde, but leveled to 20 for some unknown reasons (i know, i wasted a faction change!), and a 10 bis holy paladin (with cadet shield of blocking and full mail stam shiz, but i deleted that one too as 10s had no hope on Eu at that time and i thought it was a waste of time to have (too much char space)

I'm obviously alliance so can't join your guild, but i'll be interested to know if i could perhaps start an alliance guild somewhere so we can organise games etc.

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