Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)


That One OG
Hey everyone, I've been getting PMs off the wall about level ten twinking, so I decided to do something a little different and make a level ten CC mage... Tell me what ya think, this is without AGMs or Fishing Hat, looks pretty sexy imo :p

p.s: this is my next level ten twink.

çç, level ten CC mage.
[item]Ring of Scorn[/item] Requires level 12 min to access

Cant use BoAs, no level 80 main

and my setup was before AGM and fishing hat :p

Yer mage is looking super awsome.

I think i am gonna start on a lock as soon as my pally starts coming along.
I was actually thinking of replacing +7 stam on boots with +5 hit rating, anyone else thinking like me?

Hit Rating - More Chances to hit your enemies and seeing as ALL of them will be level 19 next patch >>

edit -- I will be switching my level ten mage to troll for the racial ability and the extra stamina for the +5 hit rating to boots.
looks pretty good to me. i mean you could always use the one ring if you dont want the crit and want the intel/stam.
[item]Slayer's Band[/item] + [item]The 1 Ring[/item] were the rings I am using for the mage twink. :3
+5 hit rating helps so much on my other lvl10s, if i switch to my stam boots i miss all the damned time.
on my lvl 10 mage i used Invoker's Signet (the intellect version of Slayer's Band) as I could get stamina from other items easily and mana is an issue. and wtb +hit potion for lvl 10's :/

For FUN!


Its like 2/10 hits I miss which is 1/5 (not including dodge / parry / block)
germs said:
maybe if you find being worthless fun...

The same could be said about you as a human being for playing this game - no? It's a game, if someone does something that makes them ENJOY the GAME, then that is all that matters. If it is "odd" or "different" or "not by the book" who gives a shit? If it works out, cool - if not, oh well you wasted fake money on a video game.
Spooksters said:
The same could be said about you as a human being for playing this game - no? It's a game, if someone does something that makes them ENJOY the GAME, then that is all that matters. If it is "odd" or "different" or "not by the book" who gives a shit? If it works out, cool - if not, oh well you wasted fake money on a video game.

Spooksters said:
The same could be said about you as a human being for playing this game - no? It's a game, if someone does something that makes them ENJOY the GAME, then that is all that matters. If it is "odd" or "different" or "not by the book" who gives a shit? If it works out, cool - if not, oh well you wasted fake money on a video game.

Why not just make a 19 mage....
you are going to have a hard time hitting any player, and you also cant get the talents a normal 19 cc mage can get which makes you useless

have fun gettin completely trashed by hunters too
Cookie. Imo drop mining & get herbalism! +7stamina vs 720HoT. That's basically a full heal on your mage. Looks good imo. Though, if you can get BoA, that would be better, as a few items have hit :)
This is for fun. I understand you think its pointless, but when a dumbass 19 twink rogue gets kitted around by a lvl 10 mage, and dies in misery, we all shit ourselves of laughter, and thats what this is about, raping noob 19s with a lvl 10, to prove them wrong.

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