Level 30 twinking, lower damage like WOTLK.

I'm starting a new bracket at level 30, on Bronzebeard EU Alliance. I'm aiming for my guild to do wargames, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, and start tournaments with prizes. however, there are gear restrictions, to reduce the damage and to try and balance things out a bit.
  • If you're a melee, then you can't gear agility, strength, attack power or crit. haste/expertise are allowed [mainly because they don't do much and are hard to come by].
  • If you're a caster, you can't take intellect, spell power or crit.
  • If you're a hybrid, you can't gear for whatever talent tree you've chosen e.g. a resto druid can't gear intellect/crit/spell power, and you can only take agility, strength, etc if its part of a stamina based item. So, an item that gives 8 stamina and 3 agility would be allowed, but, if it had 8 agility and 3 stamina, it's not.
  • Melee based dps have to use white weapons with no stats, including ranged.
  • Same goes for enchants, no enchants that increase dps are allowed, however, defensive enchants, like 100 hp to chest are allowed.
  • Because of the above rules, almost all of the heirloom gear can't be used.
  • Proc gear is allowed, and consumable gear, like AGM, etc.
  • Proffs aswell are permmitted, including bandages.
  • Glyphs are allowed.

So, with these rules, pvp should be a bit less pressured and more similar to wotlk twinking as people will be geared with high stamina and low dps. With war games atm, its just a race to get the cc in on the healers and the first cc gets trinketed, then on the next cc its over. With these rules, I am hoping it will be like wotlk, where you had to chose wisely when to trinket, and you could survive more than 10 seconds with 2 rogues on you.

The reason I have chosen level 30 was because I had an old level 30 alt, so, I didnt need to do any leveling. Naaaah joking
. Level 30 seemed to have a nice variety of spells, but not too much. e.g. warriors get hamstring, druids get skull bash, shamans get frost shock, rogues get kidney shot, priests get dispell, warlocks get felhunter, mages get iceblock, hunters get freezing trap and paladins...well they get consecration
they were op anyway. These are just examples, each class gets more spells and talents than I've mentioned.

I'm looking for more members atm, so feel free to come along to bronzebeard to join my guild, and I will personally pay for gear/enchants and point everyone in the right direction on gearing correctly. After all, it takes only a few hours to get the gear, with little expense. Add renzzo or my real ID iainm123@aol.com if you're interested. Also, check my armory http://eu.battle.net...Renzzo/advanced to see the kind of gear you would be getting, although, it's not updated atm from my leveling gear, as I just reached 3O today.
noone out of the many to make a full bg in this bracket will use gear, enchants etc that they're not allowed to use and noone will roll 34 if you ever get a game started :ppPpp

nice try, though
If you want this to be balanced dont let casters cast spells.

Yeah this occured to me, so I checked the some casters base damage at level 3O, and tbh it doesn't seem unabalanced from what i saw. I remember frostbolt was hitting for 2OO non crit, same with mind blast roughly. My sinister strike hits for around 8O or 9O non crit with the best possible no stat weapons. Also, keep in mind that its harder to gear a clothie, because most cloth items have intellect, so, you have to comprimise a bit and take lower level stam items than a leather or mail wearer. The dps on melees can be tweaked higher or lower if needed with different dps weapons aswell. And, another thing is that because casters have no intellect bonus, they have lower mana pools, so, they need to manage their mana a bit. I'll need to test out some stuff with different classes, but, I think somehwhat of a balance is achievable.
noone out of the many to make a full bg in this bracket will use gear, enchants etc that they're not allowed to use and noone will roll 34 if you ever get a game started :ppPpp

nice try, though

The thing is, I will mainly be organising stuff in guild, so anyone who doesnt obide by the rules can be warned, kicked, etc, and, I'll mainly be doing 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 war games with maybe one officer on each side to make sure everyone is using the right gear.
Then why not just use 39s and only use professions and starting white gear. It would be pretty much the same thing.
Then why not just use 39s and only use professions and starting white gear. It would be pretty much the same thing.

you could but I was going for the lowest possible level, while still having a nice choice of spells, so people didnt need to level too much. You could do this at any level I guess. I was actually gonna try this at 19 first, or even lower, but I thought there wasnt enough spells, so I thought about 29, which seemed to have a good amount and you get to pick 1 talent from the third row, then I saw that most classes get another spell or 2 at 3O e.g. warlocks get the felguard stun at 3O, rogues get kidney shot, etc.
Won't happen i am afraid. First of all, you'd need to get about 15-20 dedicated people on both factions to que at the same time. As far as I am concerned, you've failed to persuade anyone to do this since there's simply not enough benifits.

I would suggest you to try the F2P bracket.
Won't happen i am afraid. First of all, you'd need to get about 15-20 dedicated people on both factions to que at the same time. As far as I am concerned, you've failed to persuade anyone to do this since there's simply not enough benifits.

I would suggest you to try the F2P bracket.

Im not aiming for warsong gulch, I'm aiming for war games, which only requires 4 people online at least for 2v2. If you wanna play warsong gulch then you can play 19, but for war games, it's unbalanced because of the damage. Also, I think you can do an ally vs ally warsong gulch with war games.
Im not aiming for warsong gulch, I'm aiming for war games, which only requires 4 people online at least for 2v2. If you wanna play warsong gulch then you can play 19, but for war games, it's unbalanced because of the damage. Also, I think you can do an ally vs ally warsong gulch with war games.

Why would I play a broken bracket such as 19s?

As far as your idea goes, 30s will never get activity. When I say never I mean, the one in a million chance of blizzard increasing the level cap for F2Ps by 10 levels is your only chance of ever getting activity; even with just wargames. No one sees the point in it. And even if that "one in a million" thing happens, it wont even happen for another 2-3 expansions.

I would suggest you to try a different bracket(such as the F2P bracket).
34 twinks would be so fun! /wrist! Everyone learns good spells for each spec 2!
You guys dont understand what this guy is trying to get at I have tried this 30 twinking with the rules that he has stated above and it actualy works you should give him a chance and actualy have a go its not expensive to gear and it takes what? a could of hours to get to lvl 30
lolwut, it wouldnt work.
People said the same about f2p twinking when f2p started. And look, it's flourishing. Never know for sure until it's tried.

Uhh, it worked because People like to play wow but hate paying for it. The 30-34 wont happen unless they increase the level cap of trial accounts by another 10 levels, which wont happen for a long long time. See this post for more info:

As far as your idea goes, 30s will never get activity. When I say never I mean, the one in a million chance of blizzard increasing the level cap for F2Ps by 10 levels is your only chance of ever getting activity; even with just wargames. No one sees the point in it. And even if that "one in a million" thing happens, it wont even happen for another 2-3 expansions.
Uhh, it worked because People like to play wow but hate paying for it. The 30-34 wont happen unless they increase the level cap of trial accounts by another 10 levels, which wont happen for a long long time. See this post for more info:

I'm not saying it would work. Personally I don't think it would. Just saying it's at least worth the shot.
Why's it worth the shot if you personally don't think it'll work?

What people should giving a shot, a very long and continuous shot, is the 35-39 bracket (US)

It's disgusting to see what the activity's come to.

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