Level 30 twinking, lower damage like WOTLK.

It works we have tested it now we just need the numbers.
Gl w/ the numbers. There are far better brackets than 30-34. You time and energy should be on joining a bracket that is already alive rather than necroing a bracket that won't even be "something"
Flame all you want, I'll have a video up in a few days of arenas, so you can see if it works or not then, I'll post it on twinkinfo. I hear what you're saying, though, Mrcer, but the fact is that all brackets are unbalanced to the bone, and I'm not trying to create this bracket that will have hundreds of players immediately wanting to try it, I'm just trying to make something that's easy to do, i.e. create the twink, gear, enchants, etc, and something that people can play casually when they get sick of overpowered classes raping in the bgs.
What does this bracket posess that other brackets don't, or even more than 39s?

I just don't see anything very enticing or appealing about it at all, why would you not make the jump up to the 35-39 bracket?

I'm not against your creativity / idea.. but I just want to know the reasons.
What does this bracket posess that other brackets don't, or even more than 39s?

I just don't see anything very enticing or appealing about it at all, why would you not make the jump up to the 35-39 bracket?

I'm not against your creativity / idea.. but I just want to know the reasons.

Any level could work, but I wanted a level with a better range of spells than 19, without having to level too much. Anyway, why 39? why not 49? it doesn't really make a difference, this could work at any level.
I understand what you are trying to do, and in and by itself I applaud you. However, what to me makes the concept of 30-34, 40-44 and 50-54 XP-Off brackets interesting is that otherwise 'overlooked' gear would become relavant.

Having this beauty be relevant for example tickles my inner-geek: http://www.wowhead.com/item=6327

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