20-29 Level 29 Wargames 1 - July 3rd - 6 PM Est.

Lol like 3 days ago I was in a call with him and he just started trying to rip on me lol it was a good laugh tbh
He has literally never played a premade without whispering the leader of it after and telling them how many dispels he had etc it's actually sad and extremely annoying. After one he did that to donut after a pug 10v10 we organized one night and donut said he was shit he said something to me and removed me from btag after I had literally not even said a word. I'll upload the picture later if it was truly as hilarious as I remember.
He has literally never played a premade without whispering the leader of it after and telling them how many dispels he had etc it's actually sad and extremely annoying. After one he did that to donut after a pug 10v10 we organized one night and donut said he was shit he said something to me and removed me from btag after I had literally not even said a word. I'll upload the picture later if it was truly as hilarious as I remember.
Yea he lies about his dispels to bc he asks the person he's talking to if they have recount and when they say no he says some random number no were near the actual number he ripped on vegeta to even to vegeta pretty much taught starburst mw lol at first I thought starburst was a girl when I heard his voice
Yea he lies about his dispels to bc he asks the person he's talking to if they have recount and when they say no he says some random number no were near the actual number he ripped on vegeta to even to vegeta pretty much taught starburst mw lol at first I thought starburst was a girl when I heard his voice
Yeah veg was hotshot way back he Fcd for me in 24s and I remember when star came to us he was nowhere near as immature as he is now.
Yeah veg was hotshot way back he Fcd for me in 24s and I remember when star came to us he was nowhere near as immature as he is now.
Lol yea man rip vegeta he to busy dabbin to play wow with us </3 and how long ago was that lmao the kid must have been like 9 aye and ur profile pic did you paint that or something or did you just pull from The interwebs
I got a 29 resto shammy on horde and a 29 warrior on alliance but would like to play my vet 20 warrior if thats possible
Wherever burg is

Read Realek Tarantino's thread about fielding a 10 man 29 team. @Burg commented saying he is out of town for week. Should we get people to start grouping on both sides? I can try and group Alliance although I do not have everyone on Btag. TKO#1382 for the Alliance team to add me if needed.
Yeah, that's embarrassing.. I actually completely blanked about this and then we left for vacation today.

Hopefully you all get it going. The people who are going to participate are all on first page with their server so that can whisper them.
Yeah, that's embarrassing.. I actually completely blanked about this and then we left for vacation today.

Hopefully you all get it going. The people who are going to participate are all on first page with their server so that can whisper them.
losing side afkd after a game and a half didnt miss much.
The games were actually fun regardless of Alliance getting stomped haha. Like yea we got out comped hard but the fact that it was so trolly actually made it fun and added more of a challenge?. I can't speak for Horde but yea. One thing that did annoy me though was the fact that people afk'd out. (the irony i know)

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