Dedicated Guide Author
https://twinkdb.github.io/20/builds.html?build=hunter:2 - F2P Survival Hunter build by Аис
dingdingdingis it different area
any other zone.I've farmed the witch farm and the slimes in eye of Azshara, they both drop the azurewing ring. Any suggestion where i should farm to get a different ring? I'm farming with a fury warrior.
Why hidden satyr?
Better dps from my findings, Satyr > Army > Claw.
The trinket is a level requirement higher than 20 re balanced disc priestSTATS CALCULATOR IS NOW LIVE!
Hello, since Chubakass' awesome spreadsheet hasn't been updated for quite some time and meta has changed a bit I decided to make another one that includes all good items (armor, weapons, trinkets).
I made an HTML version because I don't like google sheets and it also gives me more options. I tried to include all useful gear regardless of whether they're dungeon drops, quest rewards, BoEs, craftables etc. Legion/BFA green BoEs aren't included.
Wowhead tooltips are also available as well as a mobile layout.
I might've missed some items but there's a google form link on the main page which you can use to suggest an item to be added/removed or dm me/comment here. If anyone has any suggestions about the items, appearance, typos, etc. please say so. I intend to update this regularly and keep it up to date. Also once Drustvar and Nazmir become lvl 20 zones I'll add those items as well.
Thanks to @Chops for helping me on the 2H weapons, @Andre on the agi weps and @Peer for his massive trinket knowledge.
I hope this is useful to new players or even some experienced ones.
Here's the link:
seems to be tied to a WQ:https://www.wowhead.com/item=160973/accursed-tuskwand?bonus=4777:1474&ilvl=25
How do you get this? Been there let's if time but never seen the rare up.
The mob only shows up when the WQ is active, even though we don't see it. It's an elite mob with a few mechanics and an aoe phase. I soloed it on arcane mage so other classes should have it easy. You can see currently active WQs here: https://www.wowhead.com/world-quests/bfa/euhttps://www.wowhead.com/item=160973/accursed-tuskwand?bonus=4777:1474&ilvl=25
How do you get this? Been there let's if time but never seen the rare up.