F2P Legend
why Tarren Mills over Shokell's Grim Cinch for rsham build?
Honestly, I just forgot it. I still think Tarren is better than Shokell, so I will add it behind that in my build.
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why Tarren Mills over Shokell's Grim Cinch for rsham build?
"Wowhead says the procc chance is 15%.Hello. I came accors this Cold Tusk item.
I think it is very good. Can it compare to items on your list? If not why not, i want to understand the logic.
How does this work? I just LFG both Freehold and Atal on my f2p and didn't see anybody get bonus on last boss. Do I need to carry with a high level? Or did this get "fixed" overnight?You WILL get at least one item. You have a CHANCE of getting two.
I'm not sure how the bonus works grouped but it for sure still works solo. I've gotten a guaranteed 1 Dice per Harlan kill. Up to 91 Dice now with no luck on socket+leechHow does this work? I just LFG both Freehold and Atal on my f2p and didn't see anybody get bonus on last boss. Do I need to carry with a high level? Or did this get "fixed" overnight?
Just want to confirm what @Vyvenem said - doesn't appear to work for LFG which is why I didn't see it at first either.How does this work? I just LFG both Freehold and Atal on my f2p and didn't see anybody get bonus on last boss
Wotlk inscription, you need to keep prof for it to workwhat's that 2 attack power 2 crit shoulder enchant i see on some profile can someone tell me? or any type of shoulder enhancement alternative?
I don't know the correct stats. Most of the trinkets on there aren't worth using. It's just that there are people who like to experiment with on-use/proc trinkets. Rings and weapons are correct.Appreciate the work updating the list and taking peoples' input into consideration as well. Would it be possible to change the values for the trinkets to accurately represent the level 20 stats? For some people going crazy farming the gear in the wild, they might be disappointed in the proc values on their trinkets, some rings & weps
Oh damn I forgot to update it here