Level 20 Items Sheet UPDATED

Minor speed stacks with Travel form and Ghost Wolf? The enchant it self states that it does not stack with other passive movement speed bonuses, is that a typo in the description then?
It does. It's the only enchant that stacks with other MS modifiers. You should use it on classes like rogue, druid, ww monk, hunter using a cunning pet, maybe shaman as well.
Minor speed stacks with Travel form and Ghost Wolf? The enchant it self states that it does not stack with other passive movement speed bonuses, is that a typo in the description then?
It doesnt stack with other boot enchants so like AB boots.
[The list is a godsend & is going to help forming a path to BiS so much easier.
Why though does https://www.wowhead.com/item=111948/gruuks-evil-eye get no love?
That trink is devastating.

according to wowhead comments, this seems to proc off of anything, even mounting up and spells, it also has a shorter CD than listed. interesting.

This can be the last trinket in your rotation (i.e., it would get equipped when the other on-use trinkets all have been used), i wonder what the equip-CD is.
It claims to scale w eng mastery as well might be a neat pickup for spellhance.
Not sure if relevant, but i managed to farm this from a rare in the Iron Siegeworks (Frostfire Ridge).
While it might not be the best belt, it is farmable (once per day sadly) and can proc a socket.


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It claims to scale w eng mastery as well might be a neat pickup for spellhance.

I remember seeing this before somewhere. Does anyone know if https://www.wowhead.com/item=77530/ghost-iron-dragonling scales somehow with engineering skill? Presumably 75/75 panda eng or maybe 300/300 vanilla eng.

Also I finally tested https://www.wowhead.com/item=137373/tempered-egg-of-serpentrix?bonus=1826:1472#dropped-by. Absolute garbage. https://www.wowhead.com/spell=215754/magma-spit did 10 dmg base, 13 with 30% BM mastery.
I remember seeing this before somewhere. Does anyone know if https://www.wowhead.com/item=77530/ghost-iron-dragonling scales somehow with engineering skill? Presumably 75/75 panda eng or maybe 300/300 vanilla eng.

Also I finally tested https://www.wowhead.com/item=137373/tempered-egg-of-serpentrix?bonus=1826:1472#dropped-by. Absolute garbage. https://www.wowhead.com/spell=215754/magma-spit did 10 dmg base, 13 with 30% BM mastery.

Lol was a typo I meant enhancement mastery

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