level 10 - 14 warsong gulch night 3rd december

well looking for get more activity happening in the bracket. it seems it's been increasing around all the ingame holidays and dying down again soon after. lets get a solid night of activity, and hence i have set this quite far forward into the future so we have time to plan it.

Date / Time: 10pm medivh server time 3rd december 2011.

set this information on your real ID message, your guild MOTD, your TI status update. hell even facebook if you're game enough

i would like to see some of the people from the newly added guilds in the directory showing up so i shall contact them.

on the night please list yourself on http://49pvp.com/qlist/ so we can see what faction has the numbers and swap characters accordingly. lets make this happen guys!

~keep this bumped~
i hope i will be able to be there for pop but like most people , i like to party on sat night. Good luck if i cant make it
This is quite silly but I have some terrible BoAs prior to my class and such. If you dont mind me joining I can!
Dear Healstrong,

Thanks for responding! I would love it if you were to list all your twinks in my messages and such! I just love seeing cool gear!

Paraxd. (Co-GM of Alliance Zuljin PvP)
[font=tahoma, geneva, sans-serif] Thanks![/font]

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