level 10 - 14 warsong gulch night 3rd december

Great games.

OMG @ our last minute cap making it 1 to 1. Horde win
Hey Bwappo, how do you set your toons up in your signature like that to where you can list them all?
this isnt the kind of comment we like in 10-14

go back to 15-19 with that attitude

and woot ton of pop ty guys

What do you want me to say? "Good job Footninja! you killed a warlock when your opener takes out 75% of his health pool!"

You wanna know whats worse, the 3 or so of you in there complaining about him the whole time. STFU and be productive other then running around mid. Youre on his jock so much you might as well not even play.

Footninja is young I doubt he knows what a jock is.
You could maybe act your age, since you are bringing age into this, and not trash talk him the whole match. And if your going to sit and gripe about him killing you, dont play. Dont be a poor sport. Its not his fault your health pool is so low. If you dont like it, fix it. Hes playing his class, youre playing yours. If you dont want to get 1 or 2 shot, dont go in. QQing the whole match about it does nothing to fix your problem. All it does is show that you are childish and immature.
How many total games did you all get tonight? 10s and 49s both had a phenomenal night tonight, so I want to make a front page post about it, and I want to be sure I get my facts right.

Hey Bwappo, how do you set your toons up in your signature like that to where you can list them all?

Since signatures don't allow more than 5 or 6 lines, I list them horizontally in a line, then change the name of the link. To do that, when you edit your signature, put a bunch of links to your armories all on one line. Then click the "Toggle Editing Mode" botton in the upper left of the editing box (it looks like a lightswitch). It'll show you the raw code of your signature, and you'll see that your links like like this:


Which gives you this:


Change the name of the link between the tags, like so:

[url="http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/boulderfist/Cirise/advanced"]I am a funky link name[/url]

Which gives you this:

I am a funky link name

...Then click the "Toggle Editing Mode" switch back again. So basically, my signature is made of big long lines of links in which I changed the names. ...I hope this helps!
My first time playing games as ally.

must say i didnt care for it. even though ally won.

i miss troll racial, the haste and the regen is WAY better. but was great to get pops while it lasted.

however i only got into 2 games. i was qued the entire rest of the time, over 3 hours and didnt get into any of the rest of the games even though my gfs horde was getting in every game. i think the issue may have been groups Qing together and blocking out the singles. people may not know this, but it is always best for everyone if people Q individually that way everyone Qing has an equal chance to get a pop.

let these games encourage more activity, i saw alot of new faces. 10s are not as broken as all the other low lvl brackets, every class can compete and have fun if geared and played properly. look at those locks. dont see that at 19.
was a pleasure having you on alliance Haste, i was telling everyone to solo queue. i never group queue as i want more new faces to show up, however the problem was we started with around 23 alliance and had only about 11 horde
Nice job guys! Did ya like being pegged by my flag for 2 games?..
Also, some of you noticed L E G I T is pretty much dead, anyhow, I plan to remake a PURELY 10-14 guild... Unlike where Ashen and L E G I T had people of all brackets.
Nice job guys! Did ya like being pegged by my flag for 2 games?..
Also, some of you noticed L E G I T is pretty much dead, anyhow, I plan to remake a PURELY 10-14 guild... Unlike where Ashen and L E G I T had people of all brackets.

yes do it!!! and i was only on my priest for a bit until horde had numbers, felt good to be on the druid ill tell you that much
What do you want me to say? "Good job Footninja! you killed a warlock when your opener takes out 75% of his health pool!"

1. He has no BoA - lucky for you - otherwise it would be 100%.

2. Rogues are supposed to exploit us as much as possible.

3. It is pretty damn frustrating getting singled out - I think we all know that feeling . . . especially as the FC
i had fun last night on my lvl 12 hunter. im convinced i need to drop the haste build and go pure dps. hitting like a wet noodle against some of the horde last night. priests/shammys/druids just heal right through the pewpew!

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