level 10 - 14 warsong gulch night 3rd december

1. He has no BoA - lucky for you - otherwise it would be 100%.

2. Rogues are supposed to exploit us as much as possible.

3. It is pretty damn frustrating getting singled out - I think we all know that feeling . . . especially as the FC

Loses to Bruise when Bruise uses no BoAs*.
Yeh nigga it was great to get all dem 10s active in pvp. Loved the Feral Druid and Rogue last Night On Horde i enjoy getting 2 shotted every now and then. but yes we need to do this again soon. preferably every Weekend xD.
a lot of planning and advertising was put into this event. to make it a regular thing we have to remember that during periods like december it is quite busy for everyone and this is why i chose to organise it early on. the next one should be after new years otherwise we'll have a lot of no shows. however lets organise 5v5's in cross realm wargames for the meantime. Bamf has posted a challenge thread and we'd like to see if people attend. it would be a great way to encourage other brakcets to test ours out also without having to transfer servers before playing with others
Clark= Bruise. Another thing to keep in mind is... when foot opens.. its just not intimidating what so ever i mean really he should be bursting for like 75% of my shammies health yet he only does about 25% after a ES tick i mean yeahhh.... lawl trololololololol
i had fun last night on my lvl 12 hunter. im convinced i need to drop the haste build and go pure dps. hitting like a wet noodle against some of the horde last night. priests/shammys/druids just heal right through the pewpew!

haste is for 10s, if for some odd reason you don't stay 10 then go 14 for disengage, and stack agi, with crit 2nd priority.

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