Lets Talk Fish! Pool Stealing, Yo! How Earlwing-


Has Been
Yep, it's Sunday, that time again. You're fishing for that Lucky Fishing Hat again. Most if not all of us have been there at least once. There you are, fishing in your pool, two or three pools right next to you also your pools. "Jackpot!" This is it! You know you're gonna get it, one of these pools- OMGDKFLJASDASD, that person is fishing the pool- I mean, your- MY pool! They're so evil and mean, ugh, their face is a meanieface!

Or... is it? Aerie Peak horde has been averaging 40-50+ people online during fishing on Sundays. This does not count those who are level 85, those that don't have the addon, which lately I've seen more and more of or AP alliance. Say, only 40 AP horde (hell! let's say 30) are fishing, and they're only allowed to fish pools one per person BUT there's only 10 pools. Well, guess someone is gonna have even less of a chance to get their hat. Think about it! There is a fixed amount of pool spawns at a time, even accounting for fast pool re-spawns, there is a fixed amount. So, what we're saying is "go fish those other pools" but the other person is saying "yeah, the other pools, not mine" before you know it there are no 'other' pools to fish. Like musical chairs, only so many chairs and everyone wants one.

So, what do we do? We play nice. We share pools :) What's wrong with that? Nothing, unless you're completely selfish. We're all after the same thing, why are we so mean to each other? Some people think pool stealing is soooo wrong yet they don't seem to mind fishing that alliance/horde's pools. Hmm, that's funny! Heh or people seem to think that cause someone is fishing 'their' pools it's okay to stop fishing, shift to bear and sit in the pool. I saw two horde druids do this to each other. Stop thinking about your pools, your hat, your fishing and maybe think about the other player's experience (empathy). Hmm... maybe that player would prefer not to die by those pirates and have to walk all the way back, maybe I should help them! Be nice to each other, wish each other luck in getting your hats and be happy for each other when you do.

Is pool stealing ideal? No but is it mean or unfair? Yes and no. This event can't be fair, ever but we can make it more enjoyable by being nice and courtesy as much as possible while still being realistic. People have to share pools! Otherwise they cut their chances of getting Lucky Fishing Hat in half, at least. Is that fair? No. BUT RHAE YOU JUST SAID... Yeah, I know but still! LISTEN TO MEH. Share your pools, please and thank you :)

By da way, this is coming from someone who doesn't pool steal, not ever! Sooo...


Thoughts? Lets talk about dis.
Fishing your own pool means more time fishing and less time mounting to run to the next pool. Just the way I see it.
be fishing to try and win the contest.
might win it.
get 10 before the 5 minute mark
20 before 10
going to win it. oh wait, here come the selfish trials.
they fish in my pool.
spend 20 second casts for pool stealers to catch the last fish and making my cast useless.
catching 2 fish in the pool ive already started fishing in.
someone just tried sooo hard to jump onto an island just to steal from my pool.
failing ofcourse due to bad.
end up losing the contest by 3 fish ONLY because people fished in my pools.

people HAVE to share their pools so that the bads can get their hat on theit 10th alt they'll never play?
how about you leave your "all for one" bullshit for after the 20 minute mark.
how about you leave your "all for one" bullshit for after the 20 minute mark.

I actually totally agree with this. I've actually lost two fishing tourneys due to this. Luckily I've won since, but it was incredibly frustrating.

At the same time, after that I don't mind pool stealing as it causes more pools to spawn. Losing the occasional final cast is worth getting near-unlimited pools for 2 hours!
I can only speak for our situation on Aggramar. We have around 10 people going for LFH each weekend. So "sharing" pools is not needed, and generally people arent doing it. When seeing someone else getting attacked we usually help each other out. So hopefully Aggramar will not be that crowded like AP-US someday. As more people going for it, more selfishness will occur. I can feel with Felix though. So many people are playing to many alts and all "need" lfh and agm. Thats just plain stupid.
I "HATE" pool stealing. I have walked down the coast and then back up it with someone and each pool and do not even think about casting in it, horde or ally. Because i would want them to have that courtesy with me if i was fishing in a pool.

This is coming from a 3 time STV champ (2 on my 19) and the owner of 11 hats and 4 boots (6 and 1 on my rogue respectively)

I have done my fair share of fishing, and nothing pisses me off more than someone running up and casting in the pool you are already fishing. I have had it where 2 people rush up to 1 pool, and normally ill fish it out with them, but anything else i see no reason for.
I was fishing today with a couple of my friends and this 19 belf rogue twink (I'm assuming since 1.1k hp) came up and fished out of the pool I was about to finish up and of course she got One That Didn't Get Away - Achievement - World of Warcraft by getting that fish mace.. I flagged myself to see if she would attack and of course she did then i camped her for about 5 minutes til I was bored. I ended up catching the same fish anyways though like 25 minutes later :)
long story short don't steal pools because you maybe camped
be fishing to try and win the contest.
might win it.
get 10 before the 5 minute mark
20 before 10
going to win it. oh wait, here come the selfish trials.
they fish in my pool.
spend 20 second casts for pool stealers to catch the last fish and making my cast useless.
catching 2 fish in the pool ive already started fishing in.
someone just tried sooo hard to jump onto an island just to steal from my pool.
failing ofcourse due to bad.
end up losing the contest by 3 fish ONLY because people fished in my pools.

people HAVE to share their pools so that the bads can get their hat on theit 10th alt they'll never play?
how about you leave your "all for one" bullshit for after the 20 minute mark.

Kicking ppl out of channel only because they fish in "your" pool is so dull I can't even describe.
tbh because of acting almighty and godly like this, when you kick someone cause of brainless reason like this you should be kicked from channel afterwards.

another thing - ppl r fishing for their BiS head gear.
even if its 10th char, they invested some time in that char and who are you to judge how much time they play on a char?
you are fishing for 10 achi points and a vanity item you'll never have any practical use in bg.
who is being selfish here?!

I have came to the conclusion that its much easier to disable f2p addon when fishing contest is on so i don't get constant spamming about "fishing in my pools"
I'll probably start doing this from now on.

P.S. "selfish trials"... just lol
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Ain't yer pixels you be laying claim to. Chillax amigos.

However - I only steal pools from those that have stolen from me. Otherwise I ride on by with a /wave or /kiss.

Rhaediculo :p - you used the word "empathy" - I am surprised that was not filtered out by this site - that kind of language has no place amidst the tink communi-taaay.

xoxo to all,

I was fishing today with a couple of my friends and this 19 belf rogue twink (I'm assuming since 1.1k hp) came up and fished out of the pool I was about to finish up and of course she got One That Didn't Get Away - Achievement - World of Warcraft by getting that fish mace.. I flagged myself to see if she would attack and of course she did then i camped her for about 5 minutes til I was bored. I ended up catching the same fish anyways though like 25 minutes later :)
long story short don't steal pools because you maybe camped

29 twink once did that to my 19 on a pvp sever, logged my main and camped him for 2 sundays strait, be careful camping pay back's a bitch

@ the rest of you, share and share alike.
Ain't yer pixels you be laying claim to. Chillax amigos.

However - I only steal pools from those that have stolen from me. Otherwise I ride on by with a /wave or /kiss.

Rhaediculo :p - you used the word "empathy" - I am surprised that was not filtered out by this site - that kind of language has no place amidst the tink communi-taaay.

xoxo to all,

Yeah, one day I will learn until then I figure, if I keep hitting people with kindness... eventually some of it will have to stick ;D

I am- optimistic about beating people up with kindness :)
I can only speak for our situation on Aggramar. We have around 10 people going for LFH each weekend. So "sharing" pools is not needed, and generally people arent doing it. When seeing someone else getting attacked we usually help each other out. So hopefully Aggramar will not be that crowded like AP-US someday. As more people going for it, more selfishness will occur. I can feel with Felix though. So many people are playing to many alts and all "need" lfh and agm. Thats just plain stupid.
Still a lot of 19 twinks going for Lfh, and they are merciless pool stealers
It's Felix. I've just joined F2P twinking and there are like 4 people that like him, and all 4 of them seem to only like him because he's an old twink and that reminds them of the old twinks that they actually liked. No idea if he used to be nice and changed, or if he's always been a power hungry megalomaniac, but either way growing up would be a nice thing to do for him.

I like Felix, so make it 5.
I <3 Felix he makes me giggle and he's better than all you goons. Morgana lay off him exospamming pally.

EDIT: Stop pool stealing its a crime punishable by getting kicked from the channel.
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Agree with Felix's post.

Bads shouldn't interfere when serious fishing is going on (like winning the comp), by all means try for your damn LFH afterwards once the REAL MEN have done their fishing.

Even though I have wanted to win the fishing comp for ages I never bothered simply cuz I knew it would be a waste of my time trying with thousands of bads (who by the way, we NEVER SEE EVER AGAIN once they get their hat).
just swooping by this thread to remind everyone that there's absolutely nothing wrong with "pool stealing" for the STV fishing tourney. there is no such thing as "pool stealing". it's something invented by (unnecessarily negative adjectives deleted) a certain segment of the WoW twinking community.

if you really want to fish in other people's pools, go right ahead. there are situations where this is objectively beneficial to you and/or the other players participating in the tourney, and situations where it is not. be smart and figure out which ones are which, instead of just listening to people tell you what to do.

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