Lets Fix Our Bracket


Yo, idk if everyone noticed or not but the 19 quality of player's is dropping drastically while the activity is increasing. Now i know i am the first person to bash a non twink/ half assed 19 when we get into the gulch, and i know i am always calling out for kicking people ect ect but imo we should be sending these new kids in the right direction as far as gear and **** goes, at least tell em about TI so they know where to start. Good people are dropping out of the bracket every day because of forum drama/guild drama/ general douchebaggery and drama in the 19 bracket in general. IMO its a new year we should try and have better game's/ better the bracket. Recruit more people from outside the bracket and try to improve the people who are already in it. There once was a time where the bracket was a great place to be, guilds were respectable/ every game was fair and fun while still being intense and crazy. Now were reduced to what we have ATM and it's looking pretty wack for the future unless we start doing something different.

Flame on forum troll's but im sayin think about it.
Yo, idk if everyone noticed or not but the 19 quality of player's is dropping drastically while the activity is increasing. Now i know i am the first person to bash a non twink/ half assed 19 when we get into the gulch, and i know i am always calling out for kicking people ect ect but imo we should be sending these new kids in the right direction as far as gear and **** goes, at least tell em about TI so they know where to start. Good people are dropping out of the bracket every day because of forum drama/guild drama/ general douchebaggery and drama in the 19 bracket in general. IMO its a new year we should try and have better game's/ better the bracket. Recruit more people from outside the bracket and try to improve the people who are already in it. There once was a time where the bracket was a great place to be, guilds were respectable/ every game was fair and fun while still being intense and crazy. Now were reduced to what we have ATM and it's looking pretty wack for the future unless we start doing something different.

i agree we need some new blood in the bracket. the thing is getting people to try it, and stay with it
People just need to stop being jerks here on forums and also in the game. Stop acting like your above someone else just because you've played the bracket longer/are more skilled/think you are more skilled/etc. Stop being a bunch of wannabe gangsters on the internet. Oh and start playing for the objective.
I think the biggest concern would be improving people that are already in the bracket. There's numerous tinkers that have been around for quite awhile but play like they're new to CTF objectives or just their overall playstyle is lacking.

Recruiting more bodies comes second. Also encourage newer-comers to visit TwinkInfo (through whispers) and tell them to look up guides for gearing first and foremost.
i agree but its hard to improve ppl that are playing already that are not in your guild or on your server, as far as new players if u help get them started on your server in the right direction it helps keep them into it cause they aren't doing it alone. and they have the help.
The only way to improve is to play more and more.

Some people don't evolve at all though, and I hate them all.
True. THeir is too many Undergeard / Underskilled players turning off their xp, What Ali needs is rerolls, too many rogues/hunters and we need more fc's/healers
Epeen is the major problem of the bracket and low age of wow players overall. Bring some more 20+ dedicated ppl and things can change.
mid/gy farming is the problem. skill has nothing to do with wow skill is being a doctor a pilot ect ect not learning to press bottons in order.

people blame class balance but where does it say you have to stand in mid field and do **** all if your a hunter?

its the people in it not the bracket imo.
The bracket doesn't have any serious problems atm.

There is undergeared people in bg's and that will not change.

The biggest problem though, at least in eu, is lack of competition.

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