Jøldal Förebild

Hey guys!
I'm Trollguden and I'm here to try and find some more members for my pretty newly formed guild. Since prepatch the amount of twinks and especially the interest for twinking has been growing alot and since I really want an active guild I decided to try and make one myself on the server that I've played for a very long time and got alot of history on.
So what can the guild bring to the table?
Not too long ago we would not be able to offer anything but since the guild has been growing quite alot since we started like 2-3 weeks ago we can now offer full funding pretty much. We will not buy you BiS gear from the AH but we will give you free enchants and different consumables like potions, gliders, bandages etc. The guild is still small (update: around 140 members now) but we have been adding new members every day since we started and have had battleground and dungeon groups going alot of the time. In the future my hopes and expecations is that we can have multiple groups of battleground groups and hopefully even get enough members to do special events and especially wargames within the guild.
For those of you who don't know who I am, I'm a mature and patient guy from the south of sweden. I've been twinking since early burning crusade both in the 19s bracket and 24s/29s. I bring alot of experience to the table aswell as alot of kindness and willingness to help out in the ways I can. I've been playing alot of wargames with famous guilds like Gurubashi Surf Club. I have been boosting ppl in dungeons, I've farmed reputations with ppl and given them gold so that they can start fresh.
What do we want from you?
We don't have any special requirements right now except for one very important thing: I don't want any kind of toxic ppl in the guild. We can take some trolling but I don't wanna see any1 flaming any other in the guild. That will be a kick without any warnings.
We don't have many special rules in the guild either. You can play 5 man if you want, play fotm if you want however we do ask of you to play as objective as you can each battleground. We don't like ppl GY farming just for the sake of GY farming. You can contain the GY as long as some1 in your team runs the flag.
We would love if you didn't make a rogue or warrior right now but if you really want to we will still accept you. It just helps when we gonna start thinking about wargames etc in the future to have some different classes to choose from. The absolute best thing would be if you had to play either of these classes to also create an alt twink to help us out.
If anything of this sounds slightly interesting don't be afraid to make yourself heard. You can contact me here or add my battletag: Trollguden#2591.
If you guys can't reach me for some reason my co-owners Jonas (Sanoj#2520) and Wallflower (Wallflower#21607) will help you out. You can also try to talk to ppl in the guild. All players with the rank Marshal and above should be able to invite.
I'm playing mostly on evenings monday - friday since I work but on weekends I should be more available.
Have a nice day!
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