Parjesh's Medallion - Eye of Azshara - this has always been a useful trinket for encounters where you have a good likelihood of dying TW this week. Things to check out:
1. Spend TW badges on Broken Isles Enchantment Delivery (25 badges ea). Chance for Chaos Crystal is about 20%. Need 12 to do neck enchant, so 1500-2000 badges per enchant.
2. Some juicy trinkets available, will compile a list later.
3. See if any achievements can be done (got Heroic Neltharion's Lair so far).
4. Favor of the Val'sharah Hippogryph works for all lv10+. From TW vendor - 5000 badges
Easy farm on this one as it's the first boss who is a short walk from the entrance. A must have in your trinket collection!
It's still easy because it's the first boss. Bad RNG is bad RNG. I've farmed the second boss of Underbog with a full 5 man group for something like 12 hours to get a single good belt to drop. There are 2 plate belts, one is better than the other. I had one warrior with 8 Hatebringers before I got the belt.I take it back. I've been farming him for well over a day now with 3 groups of 5, logging in every 30 minutes, and haven't seen a SINGLE trinket drop. All I'm getting are belts, bps and amulets.
Has anybody seen a Parjesh's Medallion drop this week???
I take it back. I've been farming him for well over a day now with 3 groups of 5, logging in every 30 minutes, and haven't seen a SINGLE trinket drop. All I'm getting are belts, bps and amulets.
Has anybody seen a Parjesh's Medallion drop this week???
You raise a good point about loot spec and you can check this in-game. I just checked and Parjesh's Medallion is ONLY on the Warrior loot table for Prot (like you say) and NOT for Fury or Arms.I got it on the 4th attempt, tank loot spec idk if it matters
I got it on the 4th attempt, tank loot spec idk if it matters
currently praying to the keyboard gods while downing rum and cokes, clicking queConfirmed. I changed my loot spec from Arms to Protection and got one on the next run.
Worth the try! Thanks for testing.this may have been already known, but i didnt know if unique-equipped would affect timewarped items paired with the non-tw version, but i did try both medallions, and yeah, you cant equip both.
It's also worth adding, if you have an extra account, even an F2P account, there's no need to wait 30 minutes. This is what you do:I take it back. I've been farming him for well over a day now with 3 groups of 5, logging in every 30 minutes, and haven't seen a SINGLE trinket drop. All I'm getting are belts, bps and amulets.
I just got it! Prot loot spec, -10 runs in that dungeon to get it.I take it back. I've been farming him for well over a day now with 3 groups of 5, logging in every 30 minutes, and haven't seen a SINGLE trinket drop. All I'm getting are belts, bps and amulets.
Has anybody seen a Parjesh's Medallion drop this week???
Blizzard likes to slow down XP-locked toons. If there's one in the group, you get delays in queueing with a full group. This was added in either Legion or BFA, I'm not sure which.Q: we got a glitched TW last night and rebuilt the 5man party. I was the only locked toon in the full 5man team they were all 80, someone said " ques broken, we can't que because we're 2/3 dps" what are they referring to? Was it just they didn't to wait for que times you think?