Legion Timewalking

Interestingly, in the current era, what hapepns is the healer leaves if the queue doesn't instantly pop. This happens like 90% of the time IME. Even though their queue might be instant, the next group might be much slower but most people don't do that math.
Appreciate the reply, still understanding the layers of it all getting back into the game. I figured they just were impatient, some shorter runs were do in -6 minutes. Just find it funny like you said they don’t do the math and ask me to leave.

It is what it is but I enjoy rolling with a good group even though I can solo them lol
With time running out for getting the Legion achievements, I've tested all we can do as F2P

But You Say He's Just a Friend - did not count for me
Stay Salty - did not count for me
I Ain't Even Cold - did not count for me
Who's Afraid of the Dark? - did not count for me
A Specter, Illuminated - did not count for me
Got to Ketchum All - works on any dungeon difficulty. Druid is a good choice (taunt and root makes this easy). I did it while farming Talisman of the Cragshaper

All of these worked:
Putting in work bud! I should join you sometime, trying to find some friends grinding runs.
With time running out for getting the Legion achievements, I've tested all we can do as F2P

But You Say He's Just a Friend - did not count for me
Stay Salty - did not count for me
I Ain't Even Cold - did not count for me
Who's Afraid of the Dark? - did not count for me
A Specter, Illuminated - did not count for me
Got to Ketchum All - works on any dungeon difficulty. Druid is a good choice (taunt and root makes this easy). I did it while farming Talisman of the Cragshaper

All of these worked:
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How did you do the achievements? Solo on lvl 11 warrior, in a lfg group pr with some friends? I’ve tried in several runs in lfg groups, and none of them were willingly to help get those achievements…
How did you do the achievements? Solo on lvl 11 warrior, in a lfg group pr with some friends? I’ve tried in several runs in lfg groups, and none of them were willingly to help get those achievements…
Solo'd all of them. Mixed chars (whover happened to be in the dungeon). 20 Druid and 11 BM monk got many of them since they are very versatile.
JFC I hate hate HATE Legion TW. So many of the dungeons are so incredibly unfriendly to multiboxing. Court of Stars, the boulders in Black Rook Hold, all the elevators and the final boss mechanics of Vault of the Wardens, the annoying detour at the start of Darkheart Thicket, Neltharion's Lair,

Court of Stars in particular I'll just auto-leave no matter if I'm playing 1 toon or 5. It's not worth it. I hate it. I think iit's the only dungeon I'll auto-leave (possibly excluding Dawnbreaker). Easiest 10 minute CD of my life.

In ~15 attempts to queue today I've gotten 1 Darkheart Thicket and the rest split pretty evenly between Court of Stars and Vault of the Warders.

Either there's absolutely no effort to rotate what dungeons you get or you only get that benefit if you complete the dungeon. I suspect the latter.

Add to all this, just the arbitrary penalty of adding 1-4 minutes to your queue time because you're XP-locked, even if it's the first dungeon of the day, not even a requeue.

I've now wasted hours just trying to get a Black Rook Hold instance to farm a stupid trinket. I think I'll live without. This is a complete waste of time.
imo, legion is the worst TW to farm (skipped cata) so far. i placed six players in targeted dungeons on day 1 for trinkets, as this post i got one trink of a boss i did not want, that was part of a LFD run. 4 players in black rook to get trinkets, one day 4 runs on 3 players (12 total) got no loot at all other than TW badges/gold. darkheart. neth lair and azhara numerous attempts on early bosses no luck. i took 4 out of blackrook. still have one player in azshara and neths lair for quick first boss chances.

legion was always bad, during BFA of all my 20s i ran on LFD, or players grouped with to farm, none of my hunters, rogues, etc got any blackrook trinks. i have a warlock get the tanking trink from azshara due to legacy loot, and one 20 got the darkheart trinket from second boss. i was running these hard also get relics for the art wpns until blizz made them worthless
imo, legion is the worst TW to farm (skipped cata) so far
Two theories arguing with yak, oops thats from another tale.
Three things farming LegionTW:
  • Brand new trinket system with fancy effects, each spec has a lot to test, also with lootspec swapping.
  • Some dungeons are hard enough with no skips - and rewards from last, making things annoying more.
  • Loot is not guaranteed at all, yet another annoyance
This yields very doable (unlike Tol'vir, eg) but still quite a big task, task nor for 1 week - damn that wasted weeks on classic during anniversary.
I mean it makes sense that after WOD TW where solo loot was garaunteed that going back to the abysmal drop rates of legion was going to be a pain

I actually find myself using cata tw trinks still over anything from legion and I’ve gotten most of what I wanted
1. There are definitely some BiS trinkets from legion for some classes/specs. Given that, it is worth the grind.
2. Legion TW returns in April, so you will get another crack at them.
3. As long as you let 30 mins. elapse after last dungeon run completed, you can keep an alt in a dungeon as long as you wish (or until a major patch is installed). Spendng your time today and tomorrow morning getting toons into specific dungeons would be a good strategy.
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i got all 3 trinkets I wanted before I even completed the "do 5 dungeons" quest and all i do is que Timewalking like a normal person. It took me less than an hour.

git gud
I actually got my trinks just for hitting the find group button. They were just deposited in my mailbox. And then when I cancelled the queue it added a socket to all of them.

gid gudder
I mean it makes sense that after WOD TW where solo loot was garaunteed that going back to the abysmal drop rates of legion was going to be a pain

I actually find myself using cata tw trinks still over anything from legion and I’ve gotten most of what I wanted
I want to talk about the drop rates of Legion TW, actually.

I noticed then when 5-manning. Most of the time I'd only get 1 item (across 5 toons). In prior expansion (TW and non-TW) you'd generally get 1-2 items per boss and it was 2 about 80%+ of the time IME. I'd currently estimate Legion TW to be 2 items far less than 80%, possibly 40% or even lower.

I did wonder if this is a Legion TW thing or if it was further Blizzard punishment for being a twink.

Is there any data on this?
i got all 3 trinkets I wanted before I even completed the "do 5 dungeons" quest and all i do is que Timewalking like a normal person. It took me less than an hour.

git gud
You got incredibly lucky.

I did manage to farm the Neltharion's Lair trinket. It took ~10 runs to get the trinket. I've probably done ~35 runs total and didn't get the 2H from the final boss once. I don't know if this is just bad luck and/or weapons dropping less.

I've seen similar data from myself and others with farming the first boss in Eye of Azshara for that trinket. A lot of people took a lot of runs because they were the wrong loot spec (it only drops for Prot Warrior, not Fury/Arms). I knew this and it still took ~4 runs to get it to drop.
I'm convinced that the dungeon journal loot table is wrong for Devastation Evoker's in Neltharion's lair.

I have killed Naraxas like 40 times over the last week and still no Spiked Tongue, legion TW is complete BS.

At least I managed to get the Caged Horror from Blackrook Hold after like 10 kills....the only trinket I have managed to get from Legion this entire week.

Probably just going to stick with Bolts and my WOD trinkets at this point, I'm so sick of Legion.
You got incredibly lucky.
not to be too much of a joke explainer, but thats my point

RNG is RNG and way too many people think "random" means "an even distribution of results". Look at all the people in this thread making up conspiracy theories about blizzard specifically targeting twink dungeon rotations or loot tables. Look at all the people jumping through insane hoops to try and cheese drop chances or total loot drops or dungeons per hour, etc etc etc. None of it actually matters because luck plays an enormous role.
not to be too much of a joke explainer, but thats my point

RNG is RNG and way too many people think "random" means "an even distribution of results". Look at all the people in this thread making up conspiracy theories about blizzard specifically targeting twink dungeon rotations or loot tables. Look at all the people jumping through insane hoops to try and cheese drop chances or total loot drops or dungeons per hour, etc etc etc. None of it actually matters because luck plays an enormous role.
It's true that people don't understand probability a lot of the time. You hear this sort of thing all the time, like "I've killed this 1% mount 100 times so I should have it". This one comes up so often, let me give you a basic way to analyze this.

If the chance of getting a mount is 1%, the chance of not getting it is 99%. So what are the chances of getting it in 5 runs? The easiest way to calculate the chance of NOT getting it and getting th ecomplement.

So 0.99 x 0.99 x 0.99 x 0.99 x 0.99 = 0.99^5 = 0.95099005 = 95.1%

That means the chance of getting it is ~4.9%.

Take that out to 100 attempts and you only have a 63.3% chance, specially 1-0.99^100 = 0.633.

I have a ~1% mount with >2000 attempts that I still don't have. That's RNG for you.

That all being said, you can't everything as "simply RNG". Drops have different weights on how they drop. This is indisputable. We have statistically significant data on drop rates to know that happens. There are concrete changes Blizzard has made specifically targeted t twinks, most notably slowing your LFG queueing and cutting XP by 95% if you queue with a twink. So you can't argue "they don't care about twinks". Twinks have a fundamentally different experience, by intentional design.

You also can't just dismiss something as "that's just RNG" because it's possible, however unlikely. You can gather enough data to statistically show that some hypothesis like "it's just RNG" can be classified as "highly unlikely".

So with Legion TW loot, there's definitely less of it. That might just be how Legion TW works. Or there could be another factor.

I've farmed a bunch of 2H weapons, like doing a TON of Strath runs for Rivendaire's sword. But when you've done (as I have) >100 Strath runs with 4 warriors in each group, I think I got ~6 swords in that time. That's not definitive but it's not nothing either.
That all being said, you can't everything as "simply RNG". Drops have different weights on how they drop. This is indisputable.
It very much is disputable because...
We have statistically significant data on drop rates to know that happens.
wowhead drop rates are borked as fuck and generally should be ignored. Especially since the advent of class/spec specific loot drops, the introduction of new loot onto existing tables, different versions of different bosses with wildly different loot tables, etc.
There are concrete changes Blizzard has made specifically targeted t twinks, most notably slowing your LFG queueing
this is not twink specific. It was a game wide change.
But when you've done (as I have) >100 Strath runs with 4 warriors in each group, I think I got ~6 swords in that time. That's not definitive but it's not nothing either.
I got the epic version years ago in like 3 runs and the new TW version on my first run. Its not definitive, but its not nothing either. Yet I've done 100s of runs and never seen the mount, something people in this very community have gotten in their first runs. Random!

Look, this isnt some grand conspiracy. Loot drops are (repeat after me) random. This will lead to wild swings in what drops and doesnt drop and only in the total experience of all players in the game does the average actually look average. Someone got Blackrook Hold 5 times in a row? Well, someone else hasnt gotten it all day. But on average?

Yall have got to chill out with this shit. You're going to drive yourselves insane trying to tease out things that arent there and game systems that dont exist. This game isnt that deep. Yall will constantly point out that blizzard cant XYZ basic feature without bugs and glitches and "lol smol indie company" but you think theyre also devoting resources to specifically design entirely different loot drop parameters and dungeon queing systems just to fuck over a few dozen twinks? Come on now.

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