not to be too much of a joke explainer, but thats my point
RNG is RNG and way too many people think "random" means "an even distribution of results". Look at all the people in this thread making up conspiracy theories about blizzard specifically targeting twink dungeon rotations or loot tables. Look at all the people jumping through insane hoops to try and cheese drop chances or total loot drops or dungeons per hour, etc etc etc. None of it actually matters because luck plays an enormous role.
It's true that people don't understand probability a lot of the time. You hear this sort of thing all the time, like "I've killed this 1% mount 100 times so I should have it". This one comes up so often, let me give you a basic way to analyze this.
If the chance of getting a mount is 1%, the chance of not getting it is 99%. So what are the chances of getting it in 5 runs? The easiest way to calculate the chance of NOT getting it and getting th ecomplement.
So 0.99 x 0.99 x 0.99 x 0.99 x 0.99 = 0.99^5 = 0.95099005 = 95.1%
That means the chance of getting it is ~4.9%.
Take that out to 100 attempts and you only have a 63.3% chance, specially 1-0.99^100 = 0.633.
I have a ~1% mount with >2000 attempts that I still don't have. That's RNG for you.
That all being said, you can't everything as "simply RNG". Drops have different weights on how they drop. This is indisputable. We have statistically significant data on drop rates to know that happens. There are concrete changes Blizzard has made specifically targeted t twinks, most notably slowing your LFG queueing and cutting XP by 95% if you queue with a twink. So you can't argue "they don't care about twinks". Twinks have a fundamentally different experience, by intentional design.
You also can't just dismiss something as "that's just RNG" because it's possible, however unlikely. You can gather enough data to statistically show that some hypothesis like "it's just RNG" can be classified as "highly unlikely".
So with Legion TW loot, there's definitely less of it. That might just be how Legion TW works. Or there could be another factor.
I've farmed a bunch of 2H weapons, like doing a TON of Strath runs for Rivendaire's sword. But when you've done (as I have) >100 Strath runs with 4 warriors in each group, I think I got ~6 swords in that time. That's not definitive but it's not nothing either.