Question is if the ilevels/base stats we can get above the "average" player would matter.
I mean, if it's going to be a 1, 2 or 3 shot fest like it's been lately, won't a twink vs. non-twink in BG's not matter at all, and basically everybody is on a even playing field? - I get that it wasn't fun in Vanilla, TBC and the start of WOTLK to be a non-twink playing against twinks, but if everybody literally have the same stats now, is there any reason to play and gear twinks if they're going to perform on the same level as people leveling?
That's my biggest concern, the fact that someone which doesn't give a duck about his items, enchants and so forth is going to be able to perform just as well as I am which have put many hundred if not thousand hours into it.