What did you solo so far in draenor raids?
Nothing till I'm done gearing but plans to do Mythic HFC. Was simply saying with a normal arcane rotation you shouldn't be going oom with having nearly 100% uptime. And if you need to spam Arcane blast to stay alive you should consider more leech. Never said I've gone out and tried certain solos but based on my dps in raids and leech production from normal rotation I know i fair a chance against the 1st six bosses in HFC Mythic. Just based off numbers. I've also already thought out how I would go about doing them, and I know it would be a lot of barrages, a lot of shimmers, disperses, and a lot of mana conservation.
I'm sorry if you take offense to my suggestion considering it's coming from someone who hasn't tried it yet, but I know that if you have to spam Arcane blast something isn't right
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