Kony 2012

"In west Uganda born and raised,
On the battlefield is where I spent most of my days.
Chillin' out, maxin', reloadin' all cool;
And taking some African kids outta their school.

When a couple of liberals started making me fret,
starting making trouble on the internet!
They started one little campaign and my men bewared,
They said "you're movin' with your kids to a barracks of Sudan".

I whistled for a Vehicle and when it came near,
It was a School Bus with a lot of armed kids in the rear.
If anything I coulda went to a few villages & installed more fear,
But I thought; "Nah, forget it. Yo Kids we're outta here!".

I.. pulled.. up in Sudan a 'bout seven or eight
And I yelled to Museveni "Yoweri, smell ya Later!"
Looked at my army, composed of all of my homies.
To sit at my throne, cause I'm Joseph Motherf*ckin' Kony!-"

Did you write this yourself? Its really good :O
dorigon: coming in threads with a suit n tie since 09
Jason russel , man behind Kony video , his new video , Horny 2012 :

Jason Russell Meltdown - YouTube

Top comments :

1.Try explaining that to your son.

2.Do people really run around, vandalizing cars and who-knows what else, when they're malnourished and dehydrated? Africa must be pretty hectic...
Id rather buy a bum a bottle of booze then donate money to another 3rd world problem, everytime us citizens, companys, or the government gets involved with trying to help another country its always turned into the evil americans trying to rape and pillage. If you want to donate money so badly try looking into something local instead of what the media is pushing.
Not sure if Necro threading now, coz nobody gives a shit anymore.

Yeah sure Kony does some fucked up stuff, but Sending the world police ( American Troops) will only make things worse. But hell, the government have the right motives now, A villan....aaaaaaand shit loads of oil.

Btw im helping the ugandan kids by liking my friends facebook opdates...LOL

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