Know Your F2P Twink


Here's me mid busking in rome with my celtic band :)

Also my f2p: Balthasaur @ Aszune - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Edit: the hat was part of the dress code btw so we didnt lose each other - HONEST
Edit2: Too hungover & posted my 19 twink. Here's the f2p:
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Figured it's about time I post in here.

I just released a short EP to go along with a new site hosting the music I've made. Please check it out, it's name your price. Share it with your friends, because any support you can give a fellow f2p tink - even downloading it for free! - would be great.

New EP (free music!!!11!oneeleven!)
New Site
(with two other works I've done. Especially check out the middle, full length album - I'm very proud of it)

And of course, the obligatory pics...

Justin Bieber for Halloween..

Disbelief that I went out as Justin Bieber for Halloween

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i just wanna delete it cus im bad at stuff
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someone should put a speech bubble with that so i can put it has my picture!
like "Moo?" or something
Well I figure its time to post a picture of myself, but after looking through my computer I really do not have any decent ones. So here is a crappy shot from my phone which does me no justice, haha. =P
Got some dirt on yo chin kiddo ;)

Haha, I can grow a decent beard; this picture was about a week after I had shaved (I get lazy about shaving in college, especially around midterms/finals). I mean nothing close to yours, but then again a beard does not really suit my personality.
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