Know Your F2P Twink

Wouldn't usually say this, but good thing you're not sober then! :D I like this thread, needs bumpage. ^^
Pondering whether or not to share...I'm certainly the odd one out in these forums it seems, lol! Very interesting thread!!

Edit: Baah, what the heck. Most recent photo I got:

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Ahhh im actually a lot darker/fatter the wonders of lighting !!!!!!

GAHH i regret posting this... let the troll fest begin....
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Ahhh im actually a lot darker/fatter the wonders of lighting !!!!!!
Well, you don't look fat! Can't be that bad even with different lighting. :O

I figured out how to post a profile pic:

While my face is in fact that fat, that's about as tan as I get even in summer.

GAHH i regret posting this... let the troll fest begin....
U SO UGLY. also y u no colour coordinate. or something.


I'm actually pretty bad at trolling. :/

Need to go read pk guide, I'll come back later.
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im actually pretty dark since im hispanic so yeah... lighting > skin tone/physical features lool

nice pic
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im actually pretty dark since im hispanic so yeah... lighting > skin tone/physical features lool

nice pic :D

Whoa no fair I trolled you! You can't be nice now.

(Thank you. :eek: Your's too. ^^)
Edit: Baah, what the heck. Most recent photo I got:

Heeey, totally missed this! How dare you try to confuse me by editing a picture into a post! :O

Really great pic, so pretty! :D

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