spmething that I learned not to long ago. Valuable concept to know.
How to Set Up Burst in Arena PvP as a Feral Druid - YouTube
same principle applies to any dps burst. Hunters, rogues, ferals, warrior have the same (resource bar). Things like ench shamans, wizards, pallies also follow true except instead of holding on using all your resources at once you hold on all instant cds.
also streamlining the target process. I always have something like
/target [target=mouseover,nodead,harm]
/use <spell>
no need to press once to target and again to attack, just mousover press and go go.
also when healing
/focus [target=mouseover,help]
/target [target=mouseover,nodead,harm]
/use [target=focus] <healing spell>, <spell>
you can also "chain" macros with click
/focus [target=mouseover,help]
/target [target=mouseover,nodead,harm]
/click MultiActionBarBottomLeftButton1
/use [mod:alt,target="youname"] <healingspell>, [target=focus,nodead,help] <healing spell>, <spell>
/click ActionBarButton2
/changeactionbar 2
also auto swapping actionbars to add more to what a single press can do eg.
button 1 in actionbar 1
/use <spell>
/changeactionbar 2
button 1 in actionbar 2
/use <spell>
/changeactionbar 3
button 1 in actionbar3
/use <spell>
/changeactionbar 4
button 1 in actionbar4
/use <spell>
/changeactionbar 1
pressing button 1 will activate and change action bars regardless of whether the ability goes off, cycles actionbars 1-5. I use it to combine abilities like instant dmg for melee or instant spells for wzards. Much better than a castsequence which has its own limitations. Helps condense targeting,all attacks and cc into just three buttons on my hunter. Not including insignia, hunters mark, eagle eye, mount.