Kazuz BFA - Level 110 Enhancement Shaman

My nipples are tingling for this man. IIRC you actually got me interested in Shamans back in Legion for 101 Twinking. My Shaman is now 110 so this might be interesting.
Dont know what you talking about. Fullbuffed and with 2x stamina Trinkets im running with ~62k hp. Trait 18 (while recording) on neck.

Cuddling with 2 resto druids and 1 holy paladin and still cant kill 20k HP players thats pathetic
We have different definition of twinking.
I'm really trying figure put why this guy reminds me of angry Stan from the Eminem song. In a twink forums doing nothing but belittling other twinks all the time. It's like going to a bar just to insult people he drink alcohol. But sad...slightly pathetic even.

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We have different definition of twinking.

actually there is ONLY 1 definition of twinking .. and it is to get the best available gears by ANY means .. twink has nothing to do with skills, maybe i should put it in another way, skills is a separate thing, you can be skilled even if you have lousy gears .. likewise for a twink who has best gears but bad in skill .. twink is a mindset of equipping the best available gears that gives you an UNFAIR advantage over all other players .. if you do not have this mindset, you are not a twink

the reason why normal players had this fear for twinks, is not because they think the twinks are skilled, no, thats not the first thing that comes to their mind, the first thing that comes to the mind of a non-twink is that the twinks had superior gears .. that itself is the very core concept of twinking
[doublepost=1538368630,1538368364][/doublepost]and .. whether the OP shammy wants to admit he has or he does not have the OP 350 gears is irrelevant .. what is relevant is he can go around killing other players with ease .. this is again WHY people wants to twink .. its not about what is right or what is wrong .. players getting killed and calling it wrong are never twinks, a twink will work hard to get the gears of whoever killed them to level the odds .. that is a twink mindset

pple using this twink forum should start to put aside this thinking about being fair, twinks are not people thinking of playing fair with you .. for me, i want to kill you in the MOST unfair ways using gears that i can get and you cant
top tier class if played right. most go ele and treat shammy like a caster but enh is the shizz. great burst , cc, healing and movement. outshines boomkin in my opinion.
.. for me, i want to kill you in the MOST unfair ways using gears that i can get and you ARE TOO LAZY TO GET
fixed that last part. the levelers have the same opportunity to get gear but priorities are different. exploiting to get gear isnt twinking.
For me it's just sad that all of you cheer for a guy who exploited the game mechanics to get gear, which is not allowed by Blizzard.

The movie also has nothing to do with reality because of what i have just said.

And also give me a break with all those bullshit with stamina gear, buffs etc. Anyone who plays this bracket will know, what you just did there. End of story.
Final, you should maybe try to improve your gears to make it harder for others to kill you, for a 110, you are only about 20+ ilvl higher than my 101 pally, you know a lvl101 with this kind of ilvl can kill you easily too .. would you then complain that the 101 is exploiting the game when all my gears were bought off AH? you cannot expect the people you encounter to always be the same league as you
Final, you should maybe try to improve your gears to make it harder for others to kill you, for a 110, you are only about 20+ ilvl higher than my 101 pally, you know a lvl101 with this kind of ilvl can kill you easily too .. would you then complain that the 101 is exploiting the game when all my gears were bought off AH? you cannot expect the people you encounter to always be the same league as you
A twink enh shaman loses to a 101...lol?! I have one, sounds crazy.

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