Johneffer's holy/prot/ret sets

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Vincent said:
A follow up video of your gear? shouldnt be any changes since you're right and everyone else is wrong

I faction changed to horde and back.
Johneffer said:
Well, come down to this... I here by pledge that I will make pvp videos of both, arena and gulch to show what I am putting on the table.

i cant wait. your duel movie was truly epic.
Hello, I got a lot of negative feed back from this post and I would like to clear up what I use over what other people use

Every item to the left is the one I use.

Jutebraid Gloves has 52 armor, 9 stamina and 6 intellect Vs Defenders gloves of the Eagle which has 100 armor, 4 stam and 4 intellect. In my set I have 45.89 % damage reduction. When i equip Defenders gloves of the eagle i have 46.58 % damage reduction. With Defenders gloves of the Eagle you gain 48 armor (0.69 % damage reduction) but lose 5 stamina and 2 intellect.

Darkweave Breeches has 60 armor, 4 stam, 7 intellect and 6 spirit Vs Defenders Leggings of the Eagle which has 140 armor, 5 intellect and 5 stamina. In my set I have 45.89 % damage reduction. When I equip Defender leggings of the Eagle I have 47.03 % damage reduction. With Defender leggings of the Eagle you gain 80 armor and 1 stamina but loose 2 intellect and 6 spirit.

Crystalline Cuffs has 25 armor, 3 stam and 3 intellect Vs Fortified Bracers of the Eagle which has 73 armor 3 intellect and 3 stamina. In my set i have 45.89 % damage reduction. When I equip Fortified bracers of the Eagle I have 46.58 % damage reduction. With Fortified bracers of the Eagle you gain 48 armor but lose 2 spirit.

Spidersilk boots (with minor speed increase) has 50 armor 8 stamina and 7 intellect Vs Savage trodders which has 9 stamina and 121 armor. In my set i have 45.89 % damage reduction. When I equip Savage Trodders I have around 46.5 (I didn't even bother getting them >.>). With Savage trodders you gain 1 stamina and 71 armor but you lose 7 intellect.

Lorekeeper's ring has 2 stamina 4 intellect and 6 sprit Vs Blood ring with 5 stamina. In my set i have 1400 health and 1910 mana, when I equip Blood ring i have 1423 health and 1850 mana. When I equipped Blood ring i lost 60 mana, 6 spirit and 4 spell power but gained 3 stamina.

It is my preference to use vitality on shield against 7 stamina, I think it is more useful healing.

Tumultuous Cloak of the Sorcerer has 38 armor, 4 intellect, 4 stamina and 4 spell power Vs Tumultuous Cloak of Stamina which has 38 armor and 8 stamina. Tumultuous Cloak of the Sorcerer gives me 40 health 60 mana and 4 spellpower versus 80 health. Tumultuous Cloak of Stamina loses 60 mana and 4 spellpower but gains 4 stamina.

Earthbound Girdle of the Sorcerer which has 106 armor, 5 stamina, 5 intellect and 6 spell power Vs Earthbound Girdle of Stamina which has 106 armor and 10 stamina. Earthbound Girdle of the Sorcerer gives me 50 health 75 mana and 6 spell power versus 100 health. Earthbound Girdle of Stamina loses 75 mana and 6 spell power but gives you 50 health.

With the opposing gear you gain 247 armor and 14 stamina but lose 20 intellect (didn't even include Inferno Robe), 14 spirit and 10 spell power.

I hope that this helped.
Johneffer said:
Hello, I got a lot of negative feed back from this post and I would like to clear up what I use over what other people use

Every item to the left is the one I use.

Jutebraid Gloves has 52 armor, 9 stamina and 6 intellect Vs Defenders gloves of the Eagle which has 100 armor, 4 stam and 4 intellect. In my set I have 45.89 % damage reduction. When i equip Defenders gloves of the eagle i have 46.58 % damage reduction. With Defenders gloves of the Eagle you gain 48 armor (0.69 % damage reduction) but lose 5 stamina and 2 intellect.

Darkweave Breeches has 60 armor, 4 stam, 7 intellect and 6 spirit Vs Defenders Leggings of the Eagle which has 140 armor, 5 intellect and 5 stamina. In my set I have 45.89 % damage reduction. When I equip Defender leggings of the Eagle I have 47.03 % damage reduction. With Defender leggings of the Eagle you gain 80 armor and 1 stamina but loose 2 intellect and 6 spirit.

Crystalline Cuffs has 25 armor, 3 stam and 3 intellect Vs Fortified Bracers of the Eagle which has 73 armor 3 intellect and 3 stamina. In my set i have 45.89 % damage reduction. When I equip Fortified bracers of the Eagle I have 46.58 % damage reduction. With Fortified bracers of the Eagle you gain 48 armor but lose 2 spirit.

Spidersilk boots (with minor speed increase) has 50 armor 8 stamina and 7 intellect Vs Savage trodders which has 9 stamina and 121 armor. In my set i have 45.89 % damage reduction. When I equip Savage Trodders I have around 46.5 (I didn't even bother getting them >.>). With Savage trodders you gain 1 stamina and 71 armor but you lose 7 intellect.

Lorekeeper's ring has 2 stamina 4 intellect and 6 sprit Vs Blood ring with 5 stamina. In my set i have 1400 health and 1910 mana, when I equip Blood ring i have 1423 health and 1850 mana. When I equipped Blood ring i lost 60 mana, 6 spirit and 4 spell power but gained 3 stamina.

It is my preference to use vitality on shield against 7 stamina, I think it is more useful healing.

Tumultuous Cloak of the Sorcerer has 38 armor, 4 intellect, 4 stamina and 4 spell power Vs Tumultuous Cloak of Stamina which has 38 armor and 8 stamina. Tumultuous Cloak of the Sorcerer gives me 40 health 60 mana and 4 spellpower versus 80 health. Tumultuous Cloak of Stamina loses 60 mana and 4 spellpower but gains 4 stamina.

Earthbound Girdle of the Sorcerer which has 106 armor, 5 stamina, 5 intellect and 6 spell power Vs Earthbound Girdle of Stamina which has 106 armor and 10 stamina. Earthbound Girdle of the Sorcerer gives me 50 health 75 mana and 6 spell power versus 100 health. Earthbound Girdle of Stamina loses 75 mana and 6 spell power but gives you 50 health.

With the opposing gear you gain 247 armor and 14 stamina but lose 20 intellect (didn't even include Inferno Robe), 14 spirit and 10 spell power.

I hope that this helped.

are u a priest?
Jaxel has basically the same armor reduction as me, has 300 more health, 270 less mana, 35 less spell power, 10 less spirit, 14 less mana regen. I think this patch my gear will be used more, thanks guys for the amazing feed back, happy hunting = O
Johneffer, you remind me of this kid in my school, lets just say his name is John (its not). What John does is he walks around and sits (or tries to sit) at different kids lunch tables nearly every day, he walks with swagger, and tries to be "cool" and acts as if he has a lot of friends even though everyone openly expresses their hatred towards him. Yet everyday he talks to the people who say they hate him as if they are his friends, did I mention that he was visually disgusting? To get to the point, you remind me of this kid because...

1) You act as if you are sick and cool but you are obviously and immature 12 year old.

2) Not only are you most likely visually displeasing to look at, but you also are hated in general by the twinking community

3) FYI, I dislike you and so does nearly everyone who posted a comment in this thread
Stabbedurazz said:
Johneffer, you remind me of this kid in my school, lets just say his name is John (its not). What John does is he walks around and sits (or tries to sit) at different kids lunch tables nearly every day, he walks with swagger, and tries to be "cool" and acts as if he has a lot of friends even though everyone openly expresses their hatred towards him. Yet everyday he talks to the people who say they hate him as if they are his friends, did I mention that he was visually disgusting? To get to the point, you remind me of this kid because...

1) You act as if you are sick and cool but you are obviously and immature 12 year old.

2) Not only are you most likely visually displeasing to look at, but you also are hated in general by the twinking community

3) FYI, I dislike you and so does nearly everyone who posted a comment in this thread
This is a very interesting assumption, I am very ugly and I try to 'swagger' all the time because you know, I am one of those kids. Now, I see alot of holy paladins using my gear and Stabbed, you are bad. It's true it really is. Since you have no skill in game you must post on twinkinfo bagging on players to give yourself better rep but really your garbage. Yes, I am hiding behind a computer and I'm sure that you with your big strong muscles in real life would beat the shit out of my immature twelve year old body - god forbid you hurt my clicking finger. You are cool bro, I wish people liked me as much as you because I care about other peoples opinions A LOT. I play WoW, if you would like to tell me that I am not cool irl which i dont get how you are assuming that you can look around and see that half of WoW are just kids who sit at home and play it all day. Are you seriously telling me I'm a loser?... i play like 16 hours a day obviously I am. Happy thanksgiving qt pie.
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