Andre and I have often joked that “39 is the last true twink level” both in game and in life. I’ll be 39 in a couple months and it seems like a fine time to bring my WoW presence to an end.
This isn’t a result of Blizzard changing the game or selling out or nOt LiStEnInG tO tHe PlaYeRs or whatever. Classic exists, after all, and by all accounts DF seems like a reasonably good version of the game. It’s just that my interests have been captured by other games and other hobbies. And I’m a sentimental guy, so the idea of my WoW Career coming to a close in the same place it really took off, WOTLK 39s, has a nice, poetic symmetry to it.
I’ve loved the Warcraft IP for almost 3 decades now. Azeroth has been, at times, a very large part of my life and at other times, something that just simmered in the background. I have no doubts that it will continue to exist in my life in some capacity until they turn the servers off. I might play a little more of WOTLK Classic. I’ll probably log on my F2P as new xpacs roll out, just see the content.
But as a game I actively play? WoW's days are mostly over. Just how over? We’ll know when they announce Cata Classic. Or Wrath Classic +. Or whatever comes next, because whatever comes next… I won’t be there.
I’ll be stepping down as moderator too. I’ve always believed that this place should be run by people who are passionate about and actually play the game. That's just not me anymore. I’m very happy with where we’ve managed to shepherd the forums. I had a couple goals for the site when I became a mod and the update to XF2 was the last to check off the list. So, my work here is done.
I’ve made a number of friends in this game, on this forum and specifically in Teldrassil Firefighters/Soccer Dads. To shoutout every single person would be tedious and unfair because I would, of course, forget someone. I am deeply, deeply proud of this little community and knowing all of you (well, most of you) is a true joy. If you’re asking yourself “huh, I wonder if Chops means me” please know that the answer is yes. And it’s yes for a lot of you that probably aren't asking that as well.
It’s been a wild 18 years, guys. I am grateful for the part so many of you played in my enjoyment of this game and I hope that in some small way I helped you enjoy it as well.