It's Time For Some More Good Games!!! Anti-Gy Farming GROUP QUEUES!

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Kallistos - I fail to see why my responses would be pointless, but to each his own, I suppose. I have strong feelings on the subject so I felt like a post of support wouldn't hurt. Keep in mind I first saw this thread when I was shitfaced drunk, so it was not something I could pass up so easily; I absolutely detest GY farming. That said, thanks for your kind words about LS FTW.

Lejn. I don't understand (and, thankfully, don't give a fuck) why you think my responses makes my guild look stupid. Either way, let fact speak for itself: LS FTW is arguably the most active guild in the entire bracket. All of my guildies thoroughly enjoy being apart of LS FTW and we have a ton of fun together. Apparently I'm doing something right. Oh and for the record, it's more that I don't give a shit about your meaningless opinion than me not believing you.

Cash Rules
You apparently care.

If you can read your own posts without feeling stupid then I won't even bother explaining it to you.
speaking of "bracket destroyers" werent you the one to terrain exploit with tornado trinket pre-nerf ? and there by giving your opponents nothing else to do than GY farming lol.

While I don't see how it's relevant, I did use the trinket to do jumps. I also used it to explore on occasion.
Kallistos - I fail to see why my responses would be pointless, but to each his own, I suppose. I have strong feelings on the subject so I felt like a post of support wouldn't hurt. Keep in mind I first saw this thread when I was shitfaced drunk, so it was not something I could pass up so easily; I absolutely detest GY farming. That said, thanks for your kind words about LS FTW.

Lejn. I don't understand (and, thankfully, don't give a fuck) why you think my responses makes my guild look stupid. Either way, let fact speak for itself: LS FTW is arguably the most active guild in the entire bracket. All of my guildies thoroughly enjoy being apart of LS FTW and we have a ton of fun together. Apparently I'm doing something right. Oh and for the record, it's more that I don't give a shit about your meaningless opinion than me not believing you.

Cash Rules

Are you kidding me? personally im realid friends with 10-12 of your guildies who "enjoy being in your guild"

-for starters you lost Behstan and Hithere to your leadership. (Both officers)
-then you lost pacattack to the failness of the players you have recruited. (someone you solo recruited)
-Nudge was lost to your leadership (officer)
-Mass was lost a while back but from what ive heard it was also due to your leadership.. (very good player)
-Your members now such as Xda, HB, Ratlek, Bakked, slacking who are your core members and probably best members have more than once had conversation about your terrible leadership.

Your members ARE NOT happy with being is LS FTW. They have just paid money to get there and dont want it to become a waste, so theyre staying around hoping something changes.

Good luck with youre happy guild were your members happy to be there.

Sorry for getting off topic here.
speaking of "bracket destroyers" werent you the one to terrain exploit with tornado trinket pre-nerf ? and there by giving your opponents nothing else to do than GY farming lol.


And to be honest, now that activity has picked up I don't think afking will damage queues. A month or 2 ago this may have been a problem but not anymore, there are usually multiple games so you won't be getting farmed game after game anyways.
Are you kidding me? personally im realid friends with 10-12 of your guildies who "enjoy being in your guild"

-for starters you lost Behstan and Hithere to your leadership. (Both officers)
-then you lost pacattack to the failness of the players you have recruited. (someone you solo recruited)
-Nudge was lost to your leadership (officer)
-Mass was lost a while back but from what ive heard it was also due to your leadership.. (very good player)
-Your members now such as Xda, HB, Ratlek, Bakked, slacking who are your core members and probably best members have more than once had conversation about your terrible leadership.

Your members ARE NOT happy with being is LS FTW. They have just paid money to get there and dont want it to become a waste, so theyre staying around hoping something changes.

Good luck with youre happy guild were your members happy to be there.

Sorry for getting off topic here.

Don't forget that Up on the Rooftop deal last summer either.
Are you kidding me? personally im realid friends with 10-12 of your guildies who "enjoy being in your guild"

-for starters you lost Behstan and Hithere to your leadership. (Both officers)
-then you lost pacattack to the failness of the players you have recruited. (someone you solo recruited)
-Nudge was lost to your leadership (officer)
-Mass was lost a while back but from what ive heard it was also due to your leadership.. (very good player)
-Your members now such as Xda, HB, Ratlek, Bakked, slacking who are your core members and probably best members have more than once had conversation about your terrible leadership.

Your members ARE NOT happy with being is LS FTW. They have just paid money to get there and dont want it to become a waste, so theyre staying around hoping something changes.

Good luck with youre happy guild were your members happy to be there.

Sorry for getting off topic here.

1. Behstan and Hithere play their 90s now, not their twinks. Behstan is still in LS FTW, and a personal friend of mine.
2. I have no idea why pacattack left, nor did I investigate.
3. Nudge is still in guild and didn't want to be an officer because he disagreed on a certain recruitment policy (which we worked out in vent and are on good terms)
4. No idea why mass left, was never tight with him.
5. I suppose, for the sake of my guild, I will believe your last comment about my entire a team having issues with my leadership, and I will address it. Maybe it will help, so, if it does, thank you.
6. What do you mean paid money? Most of the people in LS FTW are not transfers, and LS FTW has provided full funding for their enchants. I don't understand why you are going off on me/my guild. Do you have a personal vendetta against me? If so, you should get to know me. I've been told I'm a fun/easy going guy.

also, regarding the rooftop thing. That occurred when I was insanely busy IRL (yea, believe it or not, I'm in college and, holy shit, theres a lot of work to do in college! not to mention im in a fraternity!). I was so busy IRL that I didn't come online for two weeks straight, and my playtime was sporadic before then. HB figured I was taking a break from wow and broke off because of my inability to communicate resulting from inactivity and business IRL. Shocking!

btw, who is your twink?
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Are you kidding me? personally im realid friends with 10-12 of your guildies who "enjoy being in your guild"

-for starters you lost Behstan and Hithere to your leadership. (Both officers)
-then you lost pacattack to the failness of the players you have recruited. (someone you solo recruited)
-Nudge was lost to your leadership (officer)
-Mass was lost a while back but from what ive heard it was also due to your leadership.. (very good player)
-Your members now such as Xda, HB, Ratlek, Bakked, slacking who are your core members and probably best members have more than once had conversation about your terrible leadership.

Your members ARE NOT happy with being is LS FTW. They have just paid money to get there and dont want it to become a waste, so theyre staying around hoping something changes.

Good luck with youre happy guild were your members happy to be there.

Sorry for getting off topic here.
Everyone you mentioned that left sucks anyways so who cares?
and also, HB didnt come back "Under" my leadership. He is my co-gm and we share the responsibilities of leadership jointly; it was a good decision because "two heads are better than one".
Auggi nailed this one on the head... Can you guys take this pointless argument somewhere else?
who said I twink?

you dont twink yet you know 10-12 poeple from ls ftw one realid? gtfo you spineless fuck. im done with you til i know ur identity. needless to say detective sneaky is on the job. you can run but you cant hide from that clever bastard
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