It's Time For Some More Good Games!!! Anti-Gy Farming GROUP QUEUES!

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Friday night (At approximately 7 PM Eastern Standard Time) Horde side will be group queuing to help keep games fun and competitive. There have been talks of recent agricultural activities and they will not continue. We strongly encourage Alliance to queue a quite powerful comp to counter any potential GY Farming, as Horde will do the same.

We do not and we will not GY farm in the event of a steam roll. If our 5 man goes against a completely gimped team we will cap 3 flags asap and then move on. With that being said, there is no need to /afk and lengthen queue times for everyone (yourself included).

We need to make it clear that GY farming has no place in our bracket and we simply will not tolerate it.

We will most likely start off with several game changing class comps such as Shammy x2, priest, pally and possibly another however as games play out I will most likely switch to my rogue and we will switch up our comp accordingly to our competition.

I'm extremely excited to have some fantastic games tomorrow! I hope for sure Livingforce will be able to join us on Horde side ;D

Guys keep in mind disrespectful gameplay and/or /afking from games damages queue times for ALL! Including yourself! Think twice about your actions! In fact if it's HKs that motivate you, I will promise you that getting as many honorable games in as possible will grant more HKs in the long term than the latter! Keep in mind it's only a few games before people stop playing for the evening!

Cheers everyone! I'm very excited!!! :D
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Your votekick macro, as beneficial as it is, is griefing, and anybody willing to steep so low as to gy farm won't be afraid to report your premade. Otherwise, GLHF!
Placeholder until Drugs edits the original text, since I agree with the sentiment if not the language. ^^
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In reality they are causing us misery first by being so sh*t and making our games boring we are only taking out our misery by causing them misery in return its a vicious cycle
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Mocha ill be there Nd the reckoning shall rise again.
If I've gotten home I'll queue.

But are you aware of that your macro-spamming will have the same negative affect on the queues as gy-farming?
Not true. A gy farmer can cause several people to afk where as if we simply remove the gy farmer only one player has the debuff instead of multiple players.
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i might sub my US account just to see the almighty /bg QQ this will start :p
I laud your efforts to reduce GY camping! But if you must share scripts to report people /afk keep it to PMs or in WoW. No need to escalate the antagonism on TI, I think. :)
but if more than one gy-farmer queues won't many ppl get reported afk then?
Still less than the amount of people who will afk... Those are the players we want to play with, not the farmers. In no case will there be more farmers than the people who afk or don't queue as a result of not wanting to be farmed
Still less than the amount of people who will afk... Those are the players we want to play with, not the farmers. In no case will there be more farmers than the people who afk or don't queue as a result of not wanting to be farmed

I just don't think it's good that a self-proclaimed cyber cop decidedes who gets to be in bgs and who doesn't by throwing around scripts, to "boost activity".
Yay! This sounds like funn. Pwetty sad that it must come to this tho. "Containing" shouldn't even be an issue in our bracket. Oh well, it's actions like this that demonstrate great leadership skills and a positive vibe. Our community needs more stuff like dis!

Jesus Christ I went absolutely crazy on this thread last night when I was extremely intoxicated. I guess I have very strong feelings on the subject. I woke up to 3 messages from Yde, who removed all my posts containing an absolutely ridiculous amount of profanity. He even went as far as editing the posts to make them acceptable for TI. So, without further ado, here is my drunken rant minus around 40 curse words:

ok hear me out, at the moment you find it quite entertaining to farm the GY because you kill people like its your job. ok cool. you need to GROW UP and realize that it's not actually cool to cause another human being absolute misery. its called dehumanization and it leads to world wars. so stop gy farming people man, come on. i mean if they are scrubs with less than 1k hp then farm them idc because they are noobs. but if it is some respectable people who you know of from another guild, and you procede to farm them because they have no healer then that is just not cool, or mature, or relevant because in the end you are just looked down upon.

okay im sorry for that outburst but i had to get it out; honestly it irritates me that there are actually people out there low enough to spend their time causing misery to their fellow twinks in the bracket. absolutely ridiculous. christ almighty. that said, ls ftw will be queing a lot of people but we will not ever farm the gy. thanks, and take care.
I just don't think it's good that a self-proclaimed cyber cop decidedes who gets to be in bgs and who doesn't by throwing around scripts, to "boost activity".

dude wtf? How can you possibly stand against mocha on this subject. A. he is not the only person that wants to report people afk, FOR A REASON: I mean, ffs why wouldn't we report the scumbag gy farmers afk? If the y are removed from group, we can move on with our tink lives and hopefully have a decent game, or a quick one at the very least. Think about it: this script to remove people from games only works if MULTIPLE people use it at the same time... in other words, it doesnt work if just one person (your self proclaimed cyber cop) uses it.
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