It's a cheeseburger, it's a monster truck

Only listing for my experience with people in pugs as I rarely see anyone worthy of a "best of" thread from premade V pug wins. Will be judged for objectiveness, awareness, positioning, overall ability to do lead a victory and lastly knowledge of their class.

Hunter: Lillhunter, Outtlaw
Warrior: Spewfeel
Paladin: Reflexz, Klinda
Rogue: Ballmer
Warlock: Faelqt, Salfir
Druid: Tkaati, Albinocow
Shaman: Mindy
Mage: Danktps
Priest: Elarandria

-If you want to be critical then remain civil about it.

I believe a few lists are just made to bump friends and a few classes the person with the most votes are being voted for a quantity>quality approach. However, this is nothing new for a "best of" thread but just civilly saying I disagree with a few people :)
Always thought Slice Played a damn good fury Warrior back in cataclysm.
Warrior: Spewfeel, Oldspike
Druid: Bendandcough, Bisonpower
Rogue: Ballmer
Huntard: Humantraficker, Felix, Falanks, Lil
Paladin: Reflexz
Shaman: Riptides, Bigdip
Mage: Bellyrolls, Deadvolcano, Tacticz, Activate
Exotic Dancer and Stripper: Bendandcough, Bellybutton
updated list because i have forgotten quite a few people and been reminded as i have looked through others lists.
bwl would make up this list if i included so ill leave em out.

warrior. spew, oldspike, licholas, slice
druid. bison, chelly (wrath nemesis ), tkatii , ploy&swellin
rogue effies , ash, dusk , aireles ( know i spelt that one wrong) , kibbies , ole , random, and one of those kids from team swag….
hunter sadly i still can't vote for this section
pally earlwang , goulshine, klinda, reflexz, irrational
shaman i really don't know of any other then bwl …… there was this panda girl shaman ele shaman that was really annoying one game …
mage activate, deadvolcanoe, anyone who plays fire.
warlock brian , oozy, salf, fael
Priest <3 yde <3 , spoochy , potatoes, Decem ( can't believe i forgot num one pirate chef tink )
I rarely see anyone worthy of a "best of" thread from premade V pug wins
I believe a few lists are just made to bump friends and a few classes the person with the most votes are being voted for a quantity>quality approach.

We get it, you hate BWL lol

I think people tend to judge who they play with, so the chips fall where they will.
Mage-Flynn wk1
Warlock-Brian salf
Priest-veinte yaws
Shaman-I hate all elementals. Trophywife (insex)
Druid-albino ash bend
Pally-khrew bop
Warrior-sun old spike

This list is incomplete I'll update this later.
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Gotta add Bet on rogues list, Bizr for shammy/lock and Phron for hunt/shammy.

P.s ploy, swelly and free come back to us.
wtb some arena players on this list..... since 90% of the people listed only bg.

Hunter: can't say.. haven't met one that makes me go ( oh shit )

Rogue: can't say.. haven't met one that makes me go ( oh shit )

Warrior: outcharged

Warlock: bmac

druid: aeternas

Shaman: elrise

Mage: wizkids, or twinkatmage ( i'm 50/50 on both of them)

Pally: Ghoulshine

Priest: kochi
Had to make an account for this.
warrior: oldspike
hunter: reactivate/phron/raandome
priest: yaws
shaman: riptides
mage: any mage that plays (never see mages)

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