It seems that someone has completed the impossible reputation worship

I get my own chapter and your big zinger is that I’m a dummy?


korrak was scaled to lv 50. Error string upon entering BT and for SWP or MGT where that rep exists.

I did not try an epic BG to accomplish this.
Of course, let's reveal in public how glitchs works (if it's not already patched) so that people can abuse more shit (like what, one strength sword and an alchemy stone?) for few weeks before things get patched. Completely worth it.
If you know glitches, you keep it to yourself or share it with friends, you don't reveal it to strangers on xpoff especially if can lead people to gain unfair advantage over others, which is clearly why people are interested in this rep on this thread, it's not about just getting one more green bar on the reputation tab ...
While I'm over here wanting to sneak into a level 25 instance just for a quest completion and another star on my recipe list.
Cough it up boys. I want those alch stone recipes

edit. The sword is basically useless now too. So there’s really no advantage.

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