It seems that someone has completed the impossible reputation worship

He completed some of those events(achievements post Korraks event)
Korraks ended 11/22, man. I didnt see a single dungeon, raid or rep completion after that date that we cant currently do.
Also - there is a lvl 20 priest - with black temple rep neck ;) that got it post korraks if yall want to keep saying its korraks event ;)
post armory, homie
Can someone please explain Korraks glitch? We may not be able to do it again (at least sub 20) as when the squish happened it removed my 19s ability to queue. Unfortunate as I was trying to grind out the last ~4k or so HKs to 100k

The glitch they are alluding to was from last year.

Being inside Korrak's battleground scaled the players character level to 60. A Warlock summon directly inside a high level dungeon (any dungeon requiring levels <60) would work as the player inside Korraks battleground technically passed as a level 60 player; bypassing the level requirement for that dungeon. For that reason, a lot of lvl 20 twinks got their Scarlet Crusade tabard from SM and try to pretend they got it back in the day ;)
what do you meeean!? i totally got it back in the day on my twink!

reminds me of the 19 twinks that exploited gms to get full defias set on their monks. The defias set from pre cata... you know before monks existed. Good times...
Fair enough. I'm still happy to be one of very few 10's with a full clear of ICC back when it was possible. Too bad I wasn't playing enough back then (MoP), I could've gotten a LOT of Raiding clears.
F2P "raiding" as lvl 20 was possible due to a bug, ICC and Halion were the only 2 possible raids you could do.
this entire thread is people just speculating around a well known glitch from two years ago, man. Pretty safe to say if anyone *does* know theyre playing it close to the chest.

As they should.
i need to get into the know. But doesnt the gear have lvl req anyway? What would be the benefit of getting into raids
i need to get into the know. But doesnt the gear have lvl req anyway? What would be the benefit of getting into raids
Wouldn't be for gear specifically but instead Reputation that potentially unlocks items to purchase that also potentially have no Level requirement because gaining said Reputation required the Level appropriate for said gear to begin with. This and Achievements, Tabards, Toys, etc.

EDIT: Also, someone DID say exactly how it was done, just read through this Thread instead of reading the Title then commenting ;)
What if I told you. Some items obtained from vendors in the level gated raid, weren’t level gated themselves.

for real tho. I’ll share my results. I didn’t go super hard with the korrak bug this xpac either once I hit a few failures. I tried black temple. Sunwell and Magisters.

I’ve had my eye on black temple for a long time. Was very disappointed
I repeat there is a priest in the NA twink community that is lvl 20 with equipped black temple rep gear ;) yall just got to do some digging! I ain't telling you who - but i'm 100% sure BT can be access outside out karroks - just sayin ;) HAPPY HUNTING YOU FLITY Animals
You mentioned a neck earlier. I can’t even find where the rep would award anything outside of ring or trinket
@BANKONE PM me and i got you :) @Chops You aint got all the answers ;) Also - In your chapter in my Tell tell all about TF guild - i call out your inconsistency with information regarding twinking and you having to backtrack ;) Just wait! Your time will come!

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