Is This The Dawn Of A Cultural Shift?

look somebody just make it simple - exactly what would the differences be?

1. access to guilds
2. do we get auction house as implied above?
3. that means gold cap lifted?
4. game time tokéns
5. professions cap at 225
6. access to what kind of p2p gear? all of it?
what else? we get a list together it will make it much clearer as to whether a cultural shift will occur? my feeling if you can play to 20 and contnue to play without paying as we do now there is still an f2p- its just different.
look somebody just make it simple - exactly what would the differences be?

1. access to guilds
2. do we get auction house as implied above?
3. that means gold cap lifted?
4. game time tokéns
5. professions cap at 225
6. access to what kind of p2p gear? all of it?
what else? we get a list together it will make it much clearer as to whether a cultural shift will occur? my feeling if you can play to 20 and contnue to play without paying as we do now there is still an f2p- its just different.

In short there's going to be traditional free to plays that you know of, and then there's going to be this large set of players who are also technically free to play, in that they are playing but not currently paying, but their 20s will have had access to higher tradeskills, enchants, leg armors, and anything that's tradeable, due to having been a paying customer before and having access to those perks. Oh plus they can be in a guild. But they will still be restricted to 20, and have all the restrictions that traditional old trial accounts currently have. Plus they can be in a guild even while not paying. Plus any Trial Account can upgrade for $5, and get one month to collect as many of those perks as they want, and then go back to being "F2P" again when the time runs out (then being a paid account in the gametime-off status, thus having trial restrictions.)

Does that make more sense? It's a "Trial Account" with P2P enchants, 225 tradeskills, all their bank slots unlocked, and can be in and remain in a guild, but otherwise has all the trial restrictions including chat, trade, mail, speech, leveling, and gold.
The game doesn't cost 5$ anymore, just checked on

It was only a special offer during Christmas, now it's back to 14.99.

As for the veteran account, I guess everything will stand and fall with the exp off feature. If Veterans are able to join the lively 19 group then it changes everything, if not than I don't see that much benefit (and I could care less what other people think of my playstyle).

What I think is interesting, and very probable in my opinion, is that Blizzard is testing the waters for a limited WoW free to play experience. It starts with the restrictions on par with starter accounts, in a few months the gold cap might be lifted because people want to buy tokens, and so on. I could also see them moving away from giving people free expansion upgrades (like cata and mop), but instead include every expansion you miss when you actually buy the current expansion (kind of silly that I could play through cata and mob completely free during 2x 10 day trials).
Well, then your right. the distinction becomes very mushy. The question is what will this community decide to do? continue to self restrict as they (we) have or not? if not, what are the agreed upon limits. those who choose to self-include will. those who don't want to - won't. This is threadworthy ! Create one and float it.
Well, then your right. the distinction becomes very mushy. The question is what will this community decide to do? continue to self restrict as they (we) have or not? if not, what are the agreed upon limits. those who choose to self-include will. those who don't want to - won't. This is threadworthy ! Create one and float it.

LOL, you're posting in it sir!
Log into any F2P account and click "upgrade now" instead of "play trial" and it's $5.

I think, you get a 75% discount on the linked starter edition and 50% on an unlinked account. (Last time I checked, anyway.)
LOL, you're posting in it sir!
i dunno you started out with a different question. and the more i think about it the more it seems like f2p is just redefined with a new upper limit on what is meant by BIS gear. bottom line is still lvl 20 play. right?
Does this mean we can trade and use the AH now?

Only while actively subbed. Once the sub runs out no.

i dunno you started out with a different question. and the more i think about it the more it seems like f2p is just redefined with a new upper limit on what is meant by BIS gear. bottom line is still lvl 20 play. right?

Level 20 will still be that cap while unsubbed.
Right! So that defines the upper limit of what can be accomplished in the new f2p bracket. Sub get what you can up to the new BIS max. Unsub. keep playing unsubbed. Kincaide what do you think? Those who have played P2P can help define what the new max includes. Only time will tell whether the "culture" changes to undo whatever factioning has occurred. its not up to us. This community sets guidelines - and sets a good example for others - where TI is concerned.
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Right! So that defines the upper limit of what can be accomplished in the new f2p bracket. Sub get what you can up to the new BIS max. Unsub. keep playing unsubbed. Kincaide what do you think? Those who have played P2P can help define what the new max includes. Only time will tell whether the "culture" changes to undo whatever factioning has occurred. its not up to us. This community sets guidelines - and sets a good example for others - where TI is concerned.

All true, I certainly don't think we can decide ahead of time how it's going to be, but I feel like we can do the mental exercise to predict what might come so that we can at least guide ourselves in that direction. So that, for example, if it does turn out that 90% of the community here subscribes for a month, we've already thought about how to respectfully handle those who choose not to do so. Because we wouldn't want to find ourselves suddenly in a scenario where one group of previously-called F2Ps is haranguing another group of previously-called F2Ps for their purchasing decisions.

BTW to mention someone in a thread, rather than link their profile, you want to just type their name with an @ sign before it, so that @ noobinit becomes [MENTION=19376]noobinit[/MENTION].
I consider the jajas to be the trend setters in this bracket. I'll just go with what they decide.
Time to start the grind by farming blingtron stuff to sell and gather gold.Then when you pay 5$ level up a dk gather as much gold for enxhants and gear. Heck one month might not be enough to get everything. Especially in a non twinking server. SOMEONE SAVE ME! IM SCARED! Getting everything I estimate you will need about 10k gold. And if you multiple chars, thats more of a pain. All I gotta say is gl to everyone. For some reason I think this can also lead to the end of f2p.

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