look somebody just make it simple - exactly what would the differences be?
1. access to guilds
2. do we get auction house as implied above?
3. that means gold cap lifted?
4. game time tokéns
5. professions cap at 225
6. access to what kind of p2p gear? all of it?
what else? we get a list together it will make it much clearer as to whether a cultural shift will occur? my feeling if you can play to 20 and contnue to play without paying as we do now there is still an f2p- its just different.
1. access to guilds
2. do we get auction house as implied above?
3. that means gold cap lifted?
4. game time tokéns
5. professions cap at 225
6. access to what kind of p2p gear? all of it?
what else? we get a list together it will make it much clearer as to whether a cultural shift will occur? my feeling if you can play to 20 and contnue to play without paying as we do now there is still an f2p- its just different.