Is this really bannable??


I just had 4 of my wow accounts banned, with all emails saying "Offense: Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs (Hacks)"

Here is what I was doing:

-Main wow account (20+ years old) - didnt get banned, the characters I was levelling up with timewalking.


-second wow account which ive paid a sub, but didnt have TWW, this is what my twink character was on with xp off (lvl 11 warrior twinking).
-3rd account (trial)
-4th account (trial)
-5th account (trial)

I wasn't using any macros, I had my main wow character, and 3 trial characters in 1 group, and my twink signing upto a dungeon queue solo, to avoid the xp debuff.
I'd only join the queue if it shown up on all wows to specific dungeon. Once in the same dungeon together i'd clear the dungeon and then sign us all up for timewalking (which is what i assume everyone does)

that is literally it. The only thing I can think of is the weakaura i had on which auto accepted the roles for the queue sign up (everything else i did manually: entering dungeon, movement, switching windows)

You think it was the weakaura? I've been using this weakaura for a long time since dragonflight, just so my friends could signup to mythic+ queues without me having to click role every time, didnt think it was bannable?
**hovers over uninstall on weakauras**

I know they are trying to curve the twinkydinki stuff, I would write them a ticket, explain they are all you, you're not botting ect. See how it goes.
That's the -big oof- I hope it gets sorted out. Let us know what they say, I'm curious.
You think it was the weakaura? I've been using this weakaura for a long time since dragonflight, just so my friends could signup to mythic+ queues without me having to click role every time, didnt think it was bannable?

Microsoft -acti-blizz is chomping at the bit to ban as many unpaid accounts as possible

I’m telling you this is their strategy

Good luck on your appeals.
Thanks for the responses guys. I have sent in an appeal (I don't hold much hope, since I don't think blizzard really care).

I really didn't think the weakaura would be a problem but I guess it makes sense.

I guess if I try this again I'll not bother with a weakaura, but now I'm a little scared of losing my main account, sigh.
Intentionally avoiding the XP debuff ... I mean you can try to justify it all you want but basically you got caught.
that's true, but doesn't everyone do that? I See people using a macro which I feel is worse.

The problem here is they banned me for "hacking" which is definitely something I didn't do!
The biggest problem is that Blizzard now only allows you to use 3 accounts simultaneously so it may not be reverted because of that
The only reason I decided to fill my party up with my own accounts is because people kept kicking out my other character I was boosting when it got stuck from /follow. I guess 3 accounts would still prevent that
I always open windows side-by-side and click between them and never had any issues with bans. Alt+tabbing works too, just make sure that if you are using Windows that "Scroll inactive windows when hovering over them" is turned off in the Mouse settings.


Otherwise scrolling the mouse wheel sends events to all game windows at same time (if they are stacked) and breaks the multi-boxing rules.
I responded asking for a manual review since I'm pretty sure that response was just automated and generic.

Will let you know if anything comes of it. Still not much hope, but I really don't wanna lose my twink, I was enjoying it :(
I responded asking for a manual review since I'm pretty sure that response was just automated and generic.

Will let you know if anything comes of it. Still not much hope, but I really don't wanna lose my twink, I was enjoying it :(
The manual review is going to come in like a week from someone from India with mismatched boiler plate canned responses

You’re gonna need another escalation or two to even get a response that doesn’t appear to be a template
My account was also banned today, no multiboxing, no weakauras, no shenanigans, just queing into TW normally with my 11 twink after reset today for a couple of runs, few hours later I got banned for cheat/hacks, also got a automated nothing response to my ticket.

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