is there an actual hunter counter at all?

well i know you are a good player so i do respect that.
can you tell me what rogues can exactly do to beat a hunter?
and im happy that you are back to play f2p :D


Well theres not really 1 way to beat hunters. We start on them, but we also win by choosing the best option after they do something. So it all depends on what the hunter does. Like, does he trinket his crip poison imedeately after a scatter, does he wait 2 sek, does he disengage first. Etc etc.

I have done 731 duels, 20% is probably just bullshit duels. But I would guess that 50% is against the best hunters on AP. (we had nothing to do while wating for agm:p ). The hunters I fought the most was realtalk and cherrypi, you might think they are not as good as somone else, but after dueling the same damn rogue 200 times they know how to play flawless against me, and they probably were the best rogue duelers while they played (hard to remember all strats without refreshing, I dont remember everything mysef). I have also dueled Felix and Khar and have over 50% win against everyone (exept Khar, we only did 2 duels and its 50%). Enough about that, Im just trying to say: Beating hunters in 1v1 is possible and Ill go trough 1 or 2 of the hardest things they can do (dont want to do more in detail because this is also a good way for hunters to beat rogues without practise and I dont want that:p, plus I dont really remember any more)

Sap pet, ambush hunter, do not try to gouge scattershot (hunter is interested in trinketing slow and you want to have gouge off CD).

You are scattershot and if hunter trinkets slow imedeately --> you trinket imedeately while using sprint and jumping (none of this triggers a GCD so you can do it instantly).
He conc shots you, but you are sprinted, unslowed and in mid air (because of the jump) and wont take effect of the slow before you land. You should be on the hunter then.

When you are on the hunter you absolutely need a crip poison to land on him, without bad luck this should not be much of an issue against non tauren/nelfs.

after a few sek his pet comes out of sap and it wil try to net you or blind you (whatever pet hes got). You can see the net beeing thrown by spider and you can see the monkeys cast if he does blind. Get a gouge now, remember to save energy for it and have your finger ready to press the gouge button.

Gouge hunter while your net'ed or blinded. (if hes got disarm pet, try to dodge it with evasion, you should be ok even if you cant trinket it as long as the hunter got crip poison on)

After this the hunter wont really have any way to get away from you exept for a disengage, just shadowstep that.

use evasion for mele time.

Even if hunter uses agm you should be ok with evasion.

2: Hunter does not trinket after scatter
- I dont remember what to do exactly but trinket his concussion shot and sprint to him. He can use trinket for your slow whenever he wants so this scenario can be easier or much harder depending on your poison apply.

Rogue needs to play flawless, but if he does he allways wins (unless you get extremely unlucky with poisons)

-You can survive a hunter that uses agm shield + pet in mele and you beeing disarmed with evasion, but not with shit gear. (and as Iv said so many times, only if you manage to re-apply poisons before it runs out)

- If you want to learn how to win against hunters: Duel them a lot
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well 1/10 chance was just a random number. You have to admit tho its less than 50% chance of happening. But you need to also understand the hunter is not an NPC. Its a player so they can be thinking to avoid gouged disengage. (using disarm or gaining more distance etc)

@kahr and everyone else
the only reason why hunter can beat priests easily is MOTHS. no caster can beat double moths. (hpal is included here) This is indeed arguable considering fake casting. well fake cast can be real good but if we are talking about a good hunter, fake cast chance will be pretty slim.

well i know you are a good player so i do respect that.
can you tell me what rogues can exactly do to beat a hunter?
and im happy that you are back to play f2p :D

lol at fake cast chances being pretty slim. just cuz a players good doesnt mean his chance at being faked is very low. Oplol is probably one of the best hunters in the bracket and I can still fake cast his rogue or moth stun (and when i do) its not hard to beat him as a resto sham. priests should have an easier time. but everyone gets faked. whether you go till 80% and cut short or 10%, you just need to find out when they like to interrupt
do not listen to these noobs, there is no counter for hunters at level 20

that is why people like me (who are not insane) stopped playing battlegrounds in the 20-24 bracket
Priest or maybe Holy Paladin? I dont know about Ret Pal. Warlocks do well against hunters but good hunters should obviously wreck anybody. You'll learn quickly after playing a few games, the unbalanced hunter dmg forces you to really be conscious of how you approach traveling across mid, you just have to try to be aware.
yes as i expected that makes sense.
but theres alot of things hunters can do missing here
remember hunter has two pets? and remember hunter can summon the pet after being ambushed?

ill be hunter you be rogue

I wil be BM
i have 1.5k hp
I will only use one pet since i dont like changing pets as bm as it disables main attack burst
i use scorpid

in a duel, i do this
i dismiss my pet and get on my mount and run and spin while spamming tab and scatter shot (so i can get you out of stealth. this happens without your ambush, its gg). forcing a rogue to sap
but fine i wont include that

i dont get sapped and i just get ambushed.
i immediately scatter shot.
assuming the poison got on me, ill trinket that and summon my pet
you trinket my scatter and sprint to me
you pop evasion but i disarm (very debatable)
so lets say you dodged my disarm
but i have the BM pet stun. Since you dodged my disarm you dont dodge my stun.
the poison got on me but i can still run and hit + kill command
your sprint and evasion fades and pet stun fades
we are not too far from each other considering that i had poison for a while,
i can still conc shot you and eventually my poison fades
you pop out your throwing weapon to slow me (but you have to stop for .5sec so that a big distance gained for me) if you dont pop throwing you die
assuming that you survived my dps and you are getting close to me again
i can just finish you with killcommand again with the regained focus

PS : i never fought GREAT f2p hunters on my rogue or fought GREAT f2p rogues on my hunter

that was for BM

now for survival
i have 1.7k hp
i have one scorpid and one spider

you open with ambush i scatter
i trinket posion and summon spider
you trinket my scatter sprint run to me before you gouge i can web you but
you gouge my web (you can dodge web but youll see why this doesnt matter)
web lasts longer than gouge if you are not getting attacked.
gouge fades and you attack me and i get poisoned again
with a little distance enough to avoid your attacks i dismiss spider and siummon scorpid
you get on me again before i can summon
i disarm you but you dodge with a scorpid charge (which pauses your movement for about 1second)
so i gain some distance but not enough to range attack you since i have poison.
i now jump spin disengage and shoot explosive shot (yes i can do that before you ss me because if you ss too fast, you will get in middle of my disengage range. which makes GG
you shadowstep but you still have explosive shot burning you
now its all melee and kill command
with 1.7k and AGM like you said
this is cake
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cherrypi and realtalk...
if you look at both of their armories.They arent BiS.Always missing something-be it some enchants professions or else

at least cherrypi uses the correct pet.

but like i said its hard for a rouge to beat a hunter. Im not a expert of hunters-just your average huntard, but from my own experience, i only had a rouge ONCE come close to beating me one vs one.

he popped a free action potion before the fight.Was immune to concussion shot and had berzerking.
i just popped my AGM/heal potted and ran back to our GY spawn were my team finished him

l o l
The difference between absolute bis and missing 1 item or 1 enchant etc means nothing as long as they know how to play.
Realtalk got bird, spider and monkey, and Im pretty sure hes got dubble agm.
Cherrypi aint exactly shit geared either, and she is really good, especially against rogues.

My point was that you can beat every f2p hunter as a rogue, its just a ton easier for the hunter to win. You saying your an average hunter and beaten rogues in wsg (Im guessing) does not change that. If you said you were the king of hunters and had beaten every renown rogue would raise doubt. So far I have not seen a hunter say that.

I would be happy to duel you, although my hunter dueling days is far away and Im only coming back to f2p for the turnament (Im not saying I have the skill to beat hunters anymore, tbh I kinda suck now). What is your in-game name?
-ps, I allways lose the first duel
This got kinda interesting now and since dueling hunters is #1 fun thing to do, Im up for whatever.
- Dont expect me to win, my point is that a good rogue could.

- Ill be going to STV arena

Edit: Im postponing this til wow finishes its download (at 89% now). Got +700 ms atm (playing from Norway)
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my friend idgladly challenge you to a duel but im now p2p

this was the ''best''' rouge on my server i dueled..Tinytacos @ Daggerspine - Game Guide - World of Warcraft .lets just say most he could get at me was the initial ambush...300-400 dmg. even with his AGM popped i wouldnt need to pop mine or healpot. Im not saying hunters demolish rouges but the guy was quite well geared
i remember camping him like 20 times in the gurubashi arena ...aswell. i feel like an ass now though
the term good hunters gets thrown out a lot, I only know of a few. I know plenty of good rogues (even if they think they are not good). I think medan has a good solid method on how to beat hunters. Hpallies are good counters. You will typically find hunters that you could take comfortably unless its cherrypi then just turn around and bubble if you must and run to the nearest hut or wall to hump it for LoS. From what medan said its just timing every move perfectly to counter and put you at an edge against a theoretical super awesome pro hunter. Things would get harder if hunter is BM and has a pet with something like disarm. Just from reading what medan said about sapping pet I would just keep the pet stored safely from sap and just pop it out when rogue comes out :p. If the hunter starts making mistakes the better chances you have in winning as a rogue.
yea also
you can technically beat hunters as a rogue like you said if rogue is just flawless and hunter isnt
but how often can a rogue be flawless with all those terrain LOS and crip poison crit, dodge factors?
less than 50% atleast
if you win once out of 3 duels, that doesnt mean rogue is better than hunters and that rogues can beat hunters all day
Im up for whatever, ms is down to 400, watching a series but Ill tab back and forth to see if any hunters show up
yea also
you can technically beat hunters as a rogue like you said if rogue is just flawless and hunter isnt
but how often can a rogue be flawless with all those terrain LOS and crip poison crit, dodge factors?
less than 50% atleast
if you win once out of 3 duels, that doesnt mean rogue is better than hunters and that rogues can beat hunters all day

True, but like I said, I have yet to fight a hunter that wins more then 50% and I fought all the good hunters when I played activly.

Lets just duel, I need wow practise for turnament anyways
Don't think you'd have much chance with 400ms considering how fast you have to react at some points to get the edge on the duel. It almost feels like pre-vanish nerf RvR since you have to pretty much be quicker and smarter in all of those key points of the fight (when one trinkets, when one disengages, when one disarm, etc...)
Don't think you'd have much chance with 400ms considering how fast you have to react at some points to get the edge on the duel. It almost feels like pre-vanish nerf RvR since you have to pretty much be quicker and smarter in all of those key points of the fight (when one trinkets, when one disengages, when one disarm, etc...)

The point of the duels is not to show how big my dick is, but to prepare for the orgy at the 26th
The point of the duels is not to show how big my dick is, but to prepare for the orgy at the 26th
well yea i will want to duel a good rogue too but i only have BiS lock on AP
all my druid rogue or hunter is on server Norgannon US ally side :(
well yea i will want to duel a good rogue too but i only have BiS lock on AP
all my druid rogue or hunter is on server Norgannon US ally side :(

I guess the DL wil finish then.

Oh well, enough e-peen from me for a lifetime today
Best way to kill hunter especially bad ones like me :) Are in tunnel etc, 20's wont kill 24'scause we can see them but i've had 2200 hp disappear before in a blink of a eye when a twinked out and well gemmed lol 24 hit me.
Dubbs, with how much you claim that no class can beat good hunters I would be genuinely surprised if you had ever heard of priests or the discipline spec.
Surprised this topic is still going. It's literally harder to find a good hunter that's capable of killing anything than it is to kill a good hunter.

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