is there an actual hunter counter at all?

So? Thats where you toss in Sprint.

Edit: Just killed Noryl (La'Haryls Hunter) this way <3

Hunter trinkets gauge and gains back distance WHILE the rogue is scatter shoted. That's a quite alot of distance. Hunter can mark rogue while gaining distance. And when scatter shot fades away hunter will conconc shot and start dps. Rogues sprint isn't too speedy when concern shot is applied is it? i didn't do the math but it should be a little faster than normal speed right? So what? Assuming the rogue has 1.2k which is more than average and hunter can burn it down to roughly 400 hp. Then you can just melee attack and killcommand. Assuming hunter that survival hunter has 1.6hp and ambush hitting for 450 1150,more hp to burn without anymore ambush burst before hunter burns 400hp with melee attacks and pet. Who wins?

I see no point of arguing when it is so obvious

Surely you're kidding.

Any hunter worth his weight should take down any class 1v1 but a priest. if they're BM even that's a toss-up. I think the problem is that you play this shit bracket full of terrible hunters.

Anyone can take down a s-keying ftp hunter baddie, but one that knows is class will wipe the floor with you.
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Surely you're kidding.

Any hunter worth his weight should take down any class 1v1 but a priest. if they're BM even that's a toss-up. I think the problem is that you play this shit bracket full of terrible hunters.

Anyone can take down a s-keying ftp hunter baddie, but one that knows is class will wipe the floor with you.

Good luck taking down a hpally has a hunter.
Good luck taking down a hpally has a hunter.

Its actually pretty easy, just kite out of holy shock/exo range and he'll eventually run oom. It takes a really long time but its definitely possible

@skarey hate to burst you bubble, but priests invalidate your whole fanboy rant. Unless the hunter is bm, then its a tossup.
Its actually pretty easy, just kite out of holy shock/exo range and he'll eventually run oom. It takes a really long time but its definitely possible

@skarey hate to burst you bubble, but priests invalidate your whole fanboy rant. Unless the hunter is bm, then its a tossup.

HPallys can use hand of protection, which dispels any slow effect and neglates half the hunter's damage. They will get in 10 yard range to use Hammer of Justice followed my exo spam. GG
You all seem to take this so very seriously. Getting all worked up. o_O

I think that a very skilled hunter playing to the best of his ability will be hard to counter. But even that hunter will have bad days/moments. Considering that most hunters you'll meet in BGs aren't that skilled, you should do fine on any one of the mentioned classes.

I think the best counter to hunters, other than more/better hunters, is teamwork. As I don't really like playing with more hunters, I prefer the teamwork option. :)

/derail: Veinte, how is your arena hunter doing? Want to make a video when you play? I want to see how it goes without having to play against you. :p
HPallys can use hand of protection, which dispels any slow effect and neglates half the hunter's damage. They will get in 10 yard range to use Hammer of Justice followed my exo spam. GG

Guess what? Bubble doesn't increase his movement speed, that's when you just turn around and run until its gone.

@yde I haven't logged on it in a while, just need to actually grind out the caster boas that I'm too lazy to get.
HPallys can use hand of protection, which dispels any slow effect and neglates half the hunter's damage. They will get in 10 yard range to use Hammer of Justice followed my exo spam. GG

If we're talking about a SMART hunter here, he'd disengage at this point, and just spend this time ranging the pally until BoP ends, then just kite the hpally to oblivion - and even if the hunter did mess up and get HoJ'd, he can just trinket and scatter, as he's been at max distance this whole duel so these should be up. Perhaps if the 1v1 was happening in a tightly confined space the pally would win, but the majority of the time, with decent space to move around in, the hunter will win, provided he's smart.
Actually the real true counter to any Hunter is a female tauren Priest... you all know why
In all seriousness, I'd say that NE rogue who can play to the best (which means is not slow and can react to trinket to any attack/spell afterward (so that'd be a Shadowmeld/gouge against a trinket scatter or trinket disengage) has no fear against any lvl 20 F2P hunter (does no include Goblin because if goblin he'd still have his second disengage) even the most skilled ones...
If the rogue plays flawlessly then he should win. I also want to say to dubbs: gouging disengage is not a 1/10 chance. Good rogues can do it nine times out of ten. Just because you can't do it very often doesn't mean that others can't as well.
every class counters hunter, l2p issues tbh
Hunters should NEVER. And I mean NEVER, beat a priest. As a priest in most cases I don't even need to heal. Just nuke and use well timed shields.
Guess what? Bubble doesn't increase his movement speed, that's when you just turn around and run until its gone.

@yde I haven't logged on it in a while, just need to actually grind out the caster boas that I'm too lazy to get.

Most of the hunters in this bracket are bad anyway......
you cant beat a good hunter as a rogue either. NO class can beat a good hunter at this lvl

lets see rogue.
rogue opens with ambush.
hunter scatter shots and gains distance (if trinketed pet disarm ftw) (if poison gets on hunter, hunter can trinket)
hunter conc shots and rogue will never gain back distance
rogue is forced to use SS
hunter disengage

lets see feral druid.
druid opens with mangle.
hunter scatter shots
druid trinkets and put rake on hunter
hunter disengage with conc shot (disarm doesnt work on feral)
druid powershifts and gains back distance

hunter wins if hunter is good
druid wins if hunter is bad

Rogues can win over hunters, even BM hunters. Even hunters that use AGM. But... only if crip poison procs fairly ok at crucial moments (meaning less then optimal is ok, but not 7 attacks without it beeing applied)
-Nelfs and tauren got nature resist.
-And the hunter starts unmounted/with pet out (you can still beat really good hunters if they start mounted or start without pet, but then you cant have bad luck on crip apply)
-You cant be undergeared (even reckful would lose if he was a oneshot)

Now that I have a new PC and started going back to f2p for turnament I might actually try some hunter duels and see if I still know how to play.
im a holy pally and i never lose 1v1 to a hunter, even if hes good. only because i have heals on them, but i still win everytime.
well 1/10 chance was just a random number. You have to admit tho its less than 50% chance of happening. But you need to also understand the hunter is not an NPC. Its a player so they can be thinking to avoid gouged disengage. (using disarm or gaining more distance etc)

@kahr and everyone else
the only reason why hunter can beat priests easily is MOTHS. no caster can beat double moths. (hpal is included here) This is indeed arguable considering fake casting. well fake cast can be real good but if we are talking about a good hunter, fake cast chance will be pretty slim.

well i know you are a good player so i do respect that.
can you tell me what rogues can exactly do to beat a hunter?
and im happy that you are back to play f2p :D
Me's a little conffuzled. First people say that a good hunter is like a god, on like every post. Which is lots. Like when I first signed up, I was told that if i was hunter, i could do this

and win.

Then someone creates a thread asking whether anyone can beat hunters. And peoples say yessums. And now me confyused.
Me's a little conffuzled. First people say that a good hunter is like a god, on like every post. Which is lots. Like when I first signed up, I was told that if i was hunter, i could do this

and win.

Then someone creates a thread asking whether anyone can beat hunters. And peoples say yessums. And now me confyused.
lolol i completely agree. I do remember everyone agreeing good hunter cannot be beaten at this lvl but what is this now? I guess all those noob hunters in this bracket messes with our brain
Me's a little conffuzled. First people say that a good hunter is like a god, on like every post. Which is lots. Like when I first signed up, I was told that if i was hunter, i could do this

and win.

That is exactly what you can as a hunter. The non hunter has to play flawless to win.

Also, WSG isnt 1v1

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