My warrior can beat "Any" hunter. Some players aren't just "Any hunters" I'm not saying I'm the best hunter, I'm not saying i'm even a good hunter. I'm simply saying that I know how to play a hunter, I know how to kite, and if you know how to do those two things in this bracket, You can beat any class/spec regardless of whether the player in question is skill capped, with the occassional exception of other hunters, who know how to play hunters.
This has NOTHING to do with me being "good" "leet" "lul" It has to do with the fact that the class imbalance is astonishing. And it is this fact that is the reason as to why I don't play my hunter anymore.
I guess I should clarify, "any" hunter means any level 20 f2p hunter that doesn't pop AGM, whether the hunter is good or not.