I got a 3.0 KD ratio on my twink hunter, but I guess it doesn't really matter huh
Hes slowly turning out to be a TI celebrity just like gucciglad and duo the deserter. And hes only being talked about lately because of his spam and acting like a 13 yo attention seeking girl on the forums and everyone is giving him just what he wants (including myself) which is attention. I guess you don't get know these days for making a name for yourself in game, but for causing controversy on the forums. Gee Gee indeed
Don't ever compare me to those fuckbois you fggt
Don't ever compare me to those fuckbois you fggt
Dont TALK To Lluyd like that you scrub!
No one can tell me what's up unless they r bettrr player stay small kid
All the losers voting who am I I'll be stylin on u just w8
Neon i have known you for a bit, and like to think we are pretty good friends. But i think we need to have a intervention. I say this because i care, this fake curley persona you have adapted these past two weeks is obnoxious and appalling. You are only making your self look like a fool, stop trying to so hard and you will earn respect. You cant demand respect by acting like an idiot and saying you are the best. You used to rip on gucciglad for doing the exact same thing you are doing now, smarten the fuck up kiddo. Look at some of the things you are saying, is that how you want to be remembered?